
2016年12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测





12月3日雅思考试又要临近,为了让童鞋们更加有信心的走进考场,新通外语钟老师特地分享12月3日雅思作文Task 1和Task 2预测题目。更多雅思作文考前预测题目,免费咨询电话400-618-0272


12月3日雅思作文Task 1预测将以线图、饼图为主。

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测一:音乐和体育没有用   【在线咨询

Schools should concentrate on teaching students the academic subjects that will be useful for their future careers. Subjects such as music and sports are not useful. To what extent do you agree or disagree??

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测二:很多工作被机器取代   【在线咨询

Lately, more and more work has been done by machines. Do you think the positive effects of the development overweigh the negative effects on individual and society?

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测三:谁来出污染处理费用   【在线咨询

Some people think that companies and individuals, rather than governments, should pay to clean up the pollution that they have caused. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement.

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测四:广告的作用仅仅是娱乐

If a product is good or it meets people needs, people will buy it. So advertising is unnecessary and no more than an entertainment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测五:防病重于治病   【在线咨询

Some people think it is more important for government to spend public money on promoting healthy lifestyle in order to prevent illness than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already ill. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12月3日雅思大作文Task 2预测六:动物试验   【在线咨询

Some people think animal experiments should be stopped because they are too cruel. Others think they are necessary for the development of sciences. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.






