






娱乐圈中总是有一些耿直 boy,比如黄子韬,总被大家黑说只有发型没有脑子。但是连黄子韬最近都开始被洗白白,因为他的耿直不做作反而体现真实的自己,为他圈了很多粉。其实在回答托福口语的TASK 1和TASK2时我也是个耿直的人,不爱讲道理,不爱处心积虑,更喜欢从很落地很真实的角度做选择讲理由。毕竟,“细节的真实和生动是艺术的生命”;毕竟,15秒的准备时间来不及变身“心计girl”。


托福口语Task 1范文一:  【在线咨询

Which of the following places do you think is the most challenging to work at: the museum, hospital, or business office? Explain why, please include details and examples in your explanation.

I think hospital is very demanding. Since I am a careless person and always neglect some details, it is highly possible I will always make some troubles for doctors and patients. I remembered the experience helping grandma caring my sick younger brother, I even can mix the dosage of each medicine. Furthermore, I am too sensitive to watch other people’s pain. I may be overreacted and over-emotional when confronting some emergencies, and I think my behavior will disturb the daily operation of hospital.  My father works with art, so I am also talented with museum staff, and business office is just such an usual working choice in modern society.

托福口语Task 1范文二:   【在线咨询

If you have opportunity to go to a free class during the weekend, which of the following would you choose to go to public speaking, starting your own business, or photography and why? Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I would choose photography class without hesitation. For I think photography is practical skill needed for my life and work. I enjoy taking both selfie and showing my life on Instagram, taking photography class allows me to understand this skill from the perspective of theory and I can have a better understanding about light, shadow and choosing appropriate angles. Also I want to own an on line shop, which requires advanced photography skills and experience to display advantages of my product. For public speaking and doing business, such classes are not as helpful as practice, I may prefer do internship to joining classes.

托福口语Task 2范文一:   【在线咨询

The university would like to shorten the summer break and break it down into several shorter breaks throughout the year. Do you agree or disagree with this? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

I do not agree to break summer vacation down. Firstly, college students of new generation are more clear about our life goals and we need long vacation to try them out. Scientific researches, social activities or simple volunteer jobs all ask for a period of time to focus on, breaking vacation down may deprive such opportunities. Further more, from the aspect of effective time using, fragmented time increases the difficulty for people to focus on target. Universities should help students to make systematic schedule and foster the sense to effectively use summer break.

托福口语Task 2范文二:   【在线咨询

When finding a place to live near the campus, some people prefer to share a house with several others. Others prefer to rent an apartment alone. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

Personally speaking, I prefer to rent an apartment and live by myself because I need a lot of alone time to relax or read quietly in the evening in order to recharge for another busy day at school. For example, when my brother was in college, he used to share a house with three other students but he really regretted it. He was taking a lot of classes and participating in quite a few clubs. After all the social and academic events during the day, he really just wanted to be alone and quiet at home at night, which he couldn’t do because of all the roommates he had. Therefore, if I had a choice, I’d definitely prefer to live by myself in college.






