










  1.  Describe an activity that you feel excited
  2. Describe an experience you spent time with a child ( who what when how)
  3. Describe an important historical event in your country(where when how know)/Describe an important history in your country
  4. Describe a tourist destination
  5. Describe a new shopping mall
  6. Describe a kind of food you ate in foreign place
  7. Describe an experience in countryside
  8. Describe an unforgettable experience
  9. Describe a well-paid job in the future>>>马上咨询新通丁老师索取更详细预测题
  10. Describe a new and exciting activity you tried
  11. Describe a well-paid job or thing you are good at
  12. Describe a family member you are proud of
  13. Describe the weather you like
  14. Describe a popular place where people like to go swimming(where who look like why)
  15. Describe two similar people from the same family
  16. Describe a decision you disagree with
  17. Describe the holiday you would like to go in the future
  18. Describe an interesting neighbor
  19. Describe your experience on good service in a shop or restaurant(when where what how)/Describe a good service you received
  20. Describe a celebrity/famous person in your country you are interested in/Describe a person you are interested in
  21. Describe an experience you are waiting for sth
  22. Describe a quiet place
  23. Describe a shop that is newly opened in your hometown


  1. Describe an interesting tradition
  2. Describe an old object
  3. Describe a relaxing place
  4. Describe a time you prepared for a happy event
  5. Describe a small business you want to have in the future
  6. Describe a special meal
  7. Describe a person you met recently and want to know more about
  8. Describe a time you got close to wild animals
  9. Describe an equipment in your family
  10. Describe an area of science you are interested in
  11. Describe an appointment you have forgotten
  12. Describe a song you are interested in
  13. Describe a place where you usually do sports
  14. Describe an advertisement
  15. Describe a wedding
  16. Describe an event about imagination
  17. Describe a movie
  18. Describe a time when sth made you laugh/Describe an event that made you laugh
  19. Describe a place in another country you would like to work for a short time
  20. Describe an unusual activity in free time
  21. Describe an interesting bicycle/car trip
  22. Describe a garden
  23. Describe a website(what how how often why)
  24. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others
  25. Describe an interesting bicycle/car trip
  26. Describe a garden
  27. Describe a website(what how how often why)
  28. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others


  1. Describe a plan in your life that is not related to work or study (when what why)
  2. Describe an interesting type of house or room you visited
  3. Describe a book you want to read again/twice
  4. Describe a (interesting) speech you attended
  5. Describe a special time/moment you waited for sth
  6. Describe a polite person
  7. Describe a cafe you like to go to



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姓    名:丁晓虎
所在地点: 合肥市包河区芜湖路万达广场7号写字楼20层
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


