







托福口语Task 1预测题目一: 【】
Which of the following extracurricular activities would you choose to participate in-the student newspaper, hiking club, or the Committee for Dormitory Discipline? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

题目解析:三选一的话题在近年的托福口语考试中考察地比较频繁,有些同学感觉三选一的话题较难。实际上,我个人认为三选一的话题并不难,它既给了我们选项(不需要自己冥思苦想了)又很大的选择空间,因为一般来说三个中,至少有一项和平时练过的题目很接近,直接选择它来答就好了。比如这道题,根本不用花心思想the student newspaper 和 the Committee for Dormitory Discipline到底是干什么的,只要看到hiking club,想到我们经典的“运动与健康”话题,问题就迎刃而解了。但在这里要提醒同学们:不能一味的背诵万能理由,一定要结合题目、自己的经历和体会来答题。

托福口语范文Sample Answer 1:
I would like to choose to join the hiking club since compared with other sports, I am really into hiking since it is an outdoor activity which is not so strenuous.When I am in the wild,how comfortable it is to bask myself in the sun as I am breathing the fresh air without the smell of gasoline.Besides,this extracurricular activity offers me an opportunity to release the pressure accumulating each day because of the heavy workload. When I am hiking with other friends talking merrily about topics we are interested in, I can definitely forget the stuff making me upset and have a good rest.

托福口语范文Sample Answer 2:
I would like to choose to join the Committee for Dormitory Discipline, for this is a totally new experience to me, and this activity offers me a good chance to contribute to all students living in the dormitory, which I believe will definitely brings about more happiness. You know, I have been always living in the dormitory where I think students should be self-disciplined and good at dealing with conflicts among the room members, in this case, it is vital for the Committee for Dormitory Discipline to set up rigid rules about student conduct to ensure the benefits for all. The other two options won’t give me such opportunity. Therefore I would choose to participate in the Committee for Dormitory Discipline.

托福口语Task 1预测题目二:  【】
If you were admitted by two universities at the same time. one is prestigious but has a high tuition, the other is not but gives you a scholarship.Which would you like to go and why?

托福口语范文Sample Answer:
Facing this dilemma, I would choose prestigious universities rather than an ordinary one which offers me a scholarship. On one hand, it is known to all that I can get a degree of worldwide recognition, which means a decent job with fat salary in the future.In this case,I can solve the problem of tuition by applying for student loan or even borrowing some money from relatives.On the other hand, entering a prestigious university allows me to be a part of elite alumni network. Everybody knows the importance of the interpersonal relationship in today's society,and how helpful it is to my future career development.

托福口语Task 2预测题目二:   【】

Some people believe that stories about celebrities or their experience in the news do not help ordinary people like us or are irrelevant. Do you think if people should broadcast celebrities,stories on TV? Explain why. Please include details and examples in your explanation.

托福口语范文Sample Answer:
I strongly hold that it is beneficial to broadcast celebrities, stories on TV, since the reasons why those celebrities become renowned are the exact points we should learn from them, and their experience leading to success can be summarized and even copied by ordinary people. For example, one of my friend named Jack is a big fun of Kobe Bryant, a well-known basketball player. He watched his live basketball games and any reports concerning his practice and interviews, and he was really touched by his perseverance and hard work. Due to Kobe’s influence, Jack changed his attitude toward study and made every effort to achieve his goal of life.

托福口语Task 2预测题目二:  【】
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents today put more pressure on their children than the parents in the past? Explain why.

托福口语范文Sample Answer:
I totally agree with the statement. Compared with the children before, children nowadays have too much stress exerted by their parents, since parents are hoping that their children can become more successful than them in the future. In this case, children are asked to study various special skills such as playing piano and practicing taekwondo apart from the basic subjects like math and foreign languages. For example, one of my best friends started to learn piano when she was four. In order to pass Band 9 test, she kept practicing piano for four hours each day under her mother’s close supervision.





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