Hello 同学们,本次5分钟学会写作文系列文章给大家分析一下如何解决多项目题型的审题、分段和写作问题。有些同学可能看到这里有点迷茫,什么是多项目题目呢?大家一起来看一个写作题目就知道啦!
It is not necessary for people to travel to other places to learn about other cultures,they can learn as much about other cultures from books,films and the internet as from traveling.
Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
从读题的角度上,我们不难理解题目的讨论重点是通过特定途径(旅行或者书、电影和网络)去学习文化。那么题目给出的四种途径(travel,books,films and the internet)我们从逻辑上又可以划分成为两类:真实体验—旅游(actual experience)和虚拟体验—书、电影和网络(virtual experience)。那么通过简化为两种分类,我们的审题思路和首段主旨甚至尾段汇总重点已经基本清晰了,也就是将真实体验和虚拟体验去对比立意和汇总。那么逻辑思路可以用一句话表达:Traveling to learn culture(actual experience)is unnecessary because books,films and the internet(virtual experience)offer the same amount of culture information.
刚才在审题中提倡大家对多项目做简化分析然后再首段立意和尾段汇总观点,但在主题段落里看,为了内容饱满(拼字数)、从题目出发(不跑题)和讨论难度(具体实物项目比抽象分类好讨论)等角度综合考虑,建议同学们考虑具体讨论books,films and the internet和traveling的对比,从实操性上看更容易一些。为什么这么说呢,大家看最后的范文就知道了。
Many believed taking trips to learn other cultures are unnecessary,they thought virtual experience through books,films and the internet can fulfill people’s need of learning cultures. I disagree mainly because virtual experiences have limitations that cannot quite compare to actual traveling.
Books are the records of what writers have seen and heard as well as summaries of their cultural experiences with their unique understandings. Descriptions from books are not all-round and even biased because writers selectively reported what they have been experienced. Selective cultural ideas are not comprehensive for readers to learn for they may mistake some parts of the writers’ opinion as the overall truth of the culture.
Films display tons of places lovely and lushly,unfortunately,they are confined to time-limited flashes. Beautiful film sceneries attract eyes but not deep enough to dig into cultural aspects. The fact that lots of movie fans make their traveling destination according to blockbusters’ set cities can tell us the truth that films offer limited cultural information and people are willing to pay extra to learn cultures in a more efficient service like traveling.
Internet technology like VR(virtual reality)has developed into the simulation level and people can use VR devices through internet to feel any scenery they want to experience in seconds. Still and all, human are social creatures that prefer to exchange cultural differences and get affected by real surroundings. Taking actual trips down to the spots and reaching out the true environments make the culture learning much vivid and delightful and using internet to simulate the true process weakens the interest of learning.
All in all, people cannot learn as much about cultures from books, films and the internet as from traveling. The limitations from virtual experiences are at least currently immutable.