







  Currently,many people fail to balance the work with the other parts of lives, what are the reasons and how to solve it? 现在,一些人难以平衡工作和生活的其他部分,原因何在,如何解决?

   Now, people can use Internet to see historic objects freely. People think we don’t need museum in the future. To what extend do u agree or disagree. 现在,人们可以在互联网上看到历史文物,有人认为我们在未来不需要博物馆,你在多大程度同意或反对这个观点?

  Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved unless individuals take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion? 有人认为环境问题个人无法负责,有人认为环境问题不能被解决除非个人采取行动,讨论两种观点,谈及你的立场。

  Someone believes that a tax-payer has done his part as a citizen. However, someone believes that a citizen should assume other responsibilities. Discuss both views and present your opinion. 有人认为纳税者就已经尽到了公民责任,有认为认为公民应该承担其他责任,讨论两种观点,谈及你的立场?

  Some people think that sending criminals to prison is not the best method of dealing with them. Education and job training are better ways to help them. Do you agree or disagree? 有人认为将犯罪分子送入监狱不是最好的解决犯罪问题的方法,教育和工作培训是更好的方法,你在多大程度上支持或反对这个观点?

  Some people say that governments should pay for the healthcare and education but other people say that it is not the governments' responsibility. Discuss the both viewpoints and give your opinion. 有人说政府应该给医疗和教育买单,有人说这不是政府的责任,讨论两种观点,谈及你的立场。

  1、Some people think news have no connection to people's lives, so then it is a waste of time to read the news in the newspaper and watch television news programs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  2、Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  3、In many countries, 24-hour TV programs are now transmitted throughout day and night. Some people think this is a positive development, but others do not think so. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  4、Advertising discourages people from being different individuals by making us all want to do the same and look the same. Do you agree or disagree?
  5、The government should control the amount of violence in films and on television in order to decrease the violent crimes in society. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  6、Nowadays, we rely on news for our knowledge, but we are uncertain about the truth of these news. Should we believe journalists? What qualities should a good journalist or correspondent have?
  7、We are surrounded by all kinds of advertising, which significantly influence our lives. Do the positive effects of advertising outweigh its negative effects?
  8、The number of people who watch foreign films is much more than people who watch local films, describe the reasons and should the government provide financial support to the local film industries.


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