
5月13日托福口语预测 独立题-- comparison peers and elders





新通外语张若妮老师分享5月13日托福口语预测 独立题-- comparison peers and elders


很多同学会抱怨现在托福口语独立题越来越难准备了, 因为题目出得非常得细,而且是三选一,就很难套上之前准备过的例子。所以建议同学在准备的时候应该是按照每个题的理由来准备,而不是按照简单的人,事,地,物,因为托福已经不是原来“你最好的朋友是谁?”这种小单纯了。所以口语独立题的准备的确是有难度变大的趋势。但是很多的题目还是可以用原先准备过的东西去套用的,比如和健康相关的,和中国文化相关的,和经历相关的等。 在新通老师参加ETS官方培训之后,各位托福托福口语老师得出口语评分的终极标准就是impressiveness。 当然酷炫包括很多方面,有句式,词汇,内容,发音,语调等。 但是这次主要来看一下怎么样在同样的话题上,把自己的答案提升得更加高级,更加拿分呢。


  预测题1. Do you prefer big family or small family?
  Sample answer:I personally inclined to choose big family where the elder can take care of the younger and learn independence and consideration before leaving for college, and the young bring delight to the whole family and bath in love from elder brothers and sisters. Either being the big sister or the little sister in a big family is a bliss to growth.Because at the phase of adolescence,parents and kids may experience difficulty in communication. But siblings can address this problems. Maybe my preference is a fruit of growing up in an only-child family. Most of time, I felt lonely especially when parents were away because of work.

  预测题2. Some people like to get advice from parents or grandparents, some people like to get help their peers, which do you prefer and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support you answer.
  这道题就类似于上面一道题目, 可以把中间的句子直接背诵到这道题里面来。 同时增加一些两者做comparison的例子, task2中,更准确地说是二选一的题目中应该是要两者做比较的题目中,comparison是一个得分点。
Talking to peers might be more productive and comforting. Because at the phase of adolescence or youth,parents and kids may experience difficulty in communication. But friends at same age can resonate most strongly with me. For example when my cousin was in high school, he was in a relationship which his parents were holding strong opposition to. He turned to me for a piece of mind.I expressed my concern shared with his parents and also told him that I had full confidence in him, believing him in balancing academic study and relationship.

