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托福TPO38听力Lecture1  【在线咨询

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. Techniques for breeding unusual varieties of tulips in the Netherlands.
B. New types of plants introduced to Europe through trade.
C. The spread of plant diseases throughout seventeenth-century Europe.
D. The impact of a plant virus in the Netherlands in the seventeenth century.

Okay. Let's move on, to bacteria and viruses that can infect plants. And let's start out with a virus that's rather common in various plants but first became known in connection with tulips.

2. What opinion does the professor express about color breaking in tulips?
A. It probably occurred more often in the seventeenth century than it does today.
B. It was not as rare in the seventeenth century as botanists believed.
C. It influenced the behavior of many people in the Netherlands.
D. It will probably never be duplicated through controlled breeding.

解析:本题出题点在于:Tulip flowers with stripes or streaks or feather or flame patterns on their petals, there is no doubt in my mind that these symptoms of this breaking virus affected human behavior too indirectly, that they set off the famous tulip craze in the Netherlands. 这种病毒会导致郁金香的花瓣上 出现条状的、羽毛样的或者烟状的图案,就是这种特殊的变异导致人们对于郁金香变得疯狂。选项C符合原文。其余三个选项不符合。选择C。

3. According to the professor, what is one reason that the Dutch started cultivating tulips?
A. There was an increase in trade between the Netherlands and Persia.
B. There were plans to open a new botanical garden in the Netherlands.
C. Wealthy individuals wanted to show that they could afford expensive merchandise.
D. Dutch botanists became skilled in crossbreeding plants.

解析:本题出题点在于:In the 17th century, the Netherlands was among the most important trading centers in all of Europe with lots of rich merchants who wanted to showcase their wealth, for example, by displaying exotic tulips in their private gardens. 在17世纪,荷兰成为了全球有名的贸易中心之一,很多有钱的商人为了显摆自己的财富,特地去把昂贵的郁金香种在自己私人花园里。选项C说有钱人想证明自己可以买的起很贵的郁金香这种商品,正确。其他三个选项则没有原文依据。选择C。

4. Why does the professor mention a turban worn by some men?
A. To offer an explanation for how the tulip got his name.
B. To emphasize the unique color patterns of some tulips.
C. To explain why the tulip was considered an exotic flower in Europe.
D. To describe differences between Dutch tulips and Persian tulips.

解析:本题出题点在于:There's an explanation for the origin of the name "tulip" that kind of reflects this. Apparently, it came from a Persian word for "turban", you know, a cloth wound round the head. Um, a style of headgear worn by men in that part of the world. 这里提到了turban。意思是郁金香的名字来源于turban,是一种围在头上的布料,是那个地区的男人会带的一种帽子。这里提到turban就是为了解释郁金香的名字的来源。选项A正确。其余三个选项不合适。选择A。

5. According to the professor, what characteristic of tulips aided the spread of tulip cultivation?
A. Tulips grown from seeds produce bulb within a year.
B. Tulip bulbs can be removed from the ground and stored.
C. Tulips adapt easily to different kinds of soil.
D. Tulips are relatively resistant to plant viruses.

解析:本题出题点在于:And since these bulbs remain viable for quite a long time, even out of the ground, they can be stored or transported long distances without much of a problem, which helps explain the spread of tulip cultivation. 这里提到,郁金香的花苞可以在摘下来很长时间以后都存活着,而且可以被储存和运输很长距离,这就让郁金香的移植变得有可能。选项B符合这一段的意思。其他三个选项不符。选择B。

6. According to the professor, what factors contributed to a dramatic rise in the prices of some tulips in the early seventeenth century?
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A. Botanists discovered how to breed tulips that were resistant to certain plant diseases.
B. The demand for tulips increased in Persia and the Ottoman Empire.
C. Dutch speculators enthusiastically bought tulip bulbs as investments.
D. The most desirable tulips could not be produced by breeding at that time.

解析:本题出题点在于:And the tulips most prized for their uniqueness and beauty were apparently the ones inflected by this mysterious virus. At that time, nobody was really able to breed tulips like these. Color breaking happened in just two or three out of a hundred bulbs and seemingly just by chance.和 And since you didn't really know when you bought a bulb if the colors would break, well, Dutch speculators invested hand over fist and drove prices sky high. 本题问郁金香的价格泡沫的原因。这一段提到,因为郁金香会因为病毒而展示出稀少漂亮的美,而且这种变种很难人工繁殖,只能看运气;还有因为不知道自己买的郁金香会不会产生这种颜色的break,所以荷兰的投资者会投资它,炒高它的价格。这两句话分别对应选项D和选项C。其余两个选择不符合原文意思。双选CD。


托福TPO38听力Lecture2  【在线咨询

1. What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The advantages of congruent over incongruent media for advertising cars.
B. The advantages of using magazines over television as an incongruent advertising medium.
C. How incongruent media can be used for effective advertising.
D. How advertising using only one type of media can increase brand awareness.

Now, there's another approach, that's placing ads in incongruent media.

2. According to the professor, what is one of the advantages of placing an advertisement in congruent media?
A. Consumers process the information more carefully than they would if it appeared in other media.
B. The advertisement is seen by consumers who would be most interested in the product advertised.
C. Consumers can easily compare the product advertised with its competitors.
D. Consumers are repeatedly exposed to the advertisement.

First, it's obvious that people reading a car magazine are interested in cars. So if you place a car ad there, you know you are reaching the right audience. Also, research shows that when people read an ad in a congruent medium, afterwards, they have pretty good recall of what was advertised. 这里提到了一致性广告的两个优点。比如一个看汽车杂志的人很有可能会买汽车,所以投放一致性广告会让更多的潜在消费者看到。第二点是在一致性媒介上看到广告的人更容易回忆起广告内容。选项B符合了第一条优点。其余三个选项则没有符合。选择B。

3. Why does the professor mention car buyers who subscribe to more than one magazine?
A. To emphasize the importance of product design in appealing to readers with different interests.
B. To emphasize the importance of keeping a marketing strategy up-to-date.
C. To give an example of how marketing can expand a magazine's readership.
D. To show why marketers need to research overlapping interests.

Well, keep in mind that potential car buyers don't read only car magazines. Most have other interests. Many of them probably subscribe to other magazines, a news weekly, ading a cooking magazine didn't expect to see a car ad, they actually paid more attention. And so for example, when people who like reading about cars see a car ad in a car magazine, they might pass over it quickly, while here...
They actually took more time to read the ad.

5. Why does the professor describe two types of car advertisements in a magazine for new parents?
A. To compare the common features of advertisements in congruent and incongruent media.
B. To compare the reactions of older and younger readers when they see a particular product.
C. To point out that a medium that is too incongruent with a product will not reach potential buyers of that product.
D. To point out that magazines are the most effective type of incongruent medium for placing advertisements.

But there are limits to how incongruent the media should be. You don't want a totally mismatch. So in a magazine aimed at new parents, you often see car advertisements since parents buy and drive cars. But there are different types of cars, right? For example, placing an ad here for a big roomie van, which is popular with big families would make sense, but a snappy sports car with only two seats? Well, that would clearly be too much of a mismatch. 这里教授指出,不一致的媒体也不一定一直会对广告商品的营销产生好的作用。比如对于一款想卖给新婚夫妇的车,广告上放一款大容量的家用厢式车和只能坐两个人的小跑车是不一样的。新婚夫妇就不大可能去买后者。选项C符合。其余三个选项不符合。选择C。

6. What does the professor mean when she says this:
A. She does not agree with the conclusions of the study.
B. Different research studies have led to conflicting conclusions.
C. The student's conclusion is only partly correct.
D. The student's conclusion applies to congruent, but not incongruent, media.

So according to the study, basically when I see an ad in an unexpected place, it'll make me want to buy the product?
Well, yes and no.
这里教授的yes and no是对学生问题的回答。学生问那是不是他在任何出乎意料的地方看见广告,他就会想要买广告上的东西,教授说这个说法不全对。选项C正确。其余三个选项理解错误。选择C。


托福TPO38听力Lecture3  【在线咨询

1. What does the professor mainly discuss?
A. The influence of avant-garde music on twentieth-century painting.
B. Critical reactions to twentieth-century experimental art forms.
C. The concepts behind a piece by an avant-garde composer.
D. The traditional elements in a famous piece of avant-garde music.

But as the century progressed, some composers, composers of what was called avant-garde music, went further. Their experiments with musical composition were not always well accepted. Quite the contrary, you see, many people felt avant-garde music was too radical and wasn't even legitimate art.
A case in point is the composer John Cage.
这里点出了这篇讲座的主旨,就是一群叫做avant-garde的音乐家,其中一个典型就是作曲家Cage. 结合后文,我们知道这整篇讲座都在讲这个Cage创作了一首全是无意收录的声音的曲子。选项C恰当总结了。其余三个选项没有恰当总结。选择C。

2. According to the professor, how was John Cage influenced by Rauschenberg's white paintings?
A. They made him understand that artists should not be concerned with their audience.
B. They showed him that an artwork with little content could still be rich in meaning.
C. They demonstrated the importance of collaborating with artists in other fields
D. They inspired him to compose music that created visual impressions in listeners.

Two experiences in particular entirely changed how he thought about music. First was his 1951 meeting with the avant-garde painter Robert Rauschenberg.
Now, avant-garde is a term that applies many different artistic genres. Rauschenberg had created a series of famous paintings that consisted simply of white paint of different textures on canvas. That's all they were: white.
But the concept of these paintings actually wasn't so simple.

3. Why was his visit to the anechoic chamber a profound experience for Cage?
A. He discovered that he could still hear sounds inside the chamber.
B. He discovered that echoes could be eliminated from a musical piece.
C. He recognized the possibility of recording his body's natural sounds.
D. He realized that music did not need to be composed in silence.

The second key experience in Cage's development came when he stepped in an anechoic chamber. An anechoic chamber is a room with special walls that absorb sound. Anechoic means without echoes. So an anechoic chamber was a room where, in theory, you can experience total silence. But Cage entered this room and he heard two sounds, one high and one low. The high sound, he was told, was his nervous system operating, and the low sound was his blood circulating.

4. What was Cage's attitude toward found sound?
A. He considered found sound to be a theoretical concept with no practical use.
B. He believed any noises could be musical if arranged carefully.
C. He believed that unintentional noises could serve as replacements for musical instruments.
D. He believed that compositions with random noises could be interpreted in different ways.

Cage was profoundly affected. He realized that music doesn't need to be created intentionally. We find it all around us. This idea came to be called found sound. It's the sounds that are already there, traffic outside your window, or whatever. For Cage, they were just as musical as sounds made by musical instruments.

5. What does the professor imply when he discusses the audience at the first performance of 4'33"?
A. He believes that outside noise might have distracted the audience.
B. He thinks that music critics appreciated the piece more than the general audience did.
C. He suspects that the audience did not want to offend the composer.
D. He thinks that the audience's response to the piece was understandable.

Well, the audience was outraged. Music critics called the piece ridiculous. But Cage saw no reason for the outrage.

6. Why does the professor consider many of today's performance of 4'33"to be misinterpretations?
A. They take place outdoors
B. They contain sounds that are intentional.
C. The last longer than 4 minutes and 33 seconds.
D. They do not include an actual piano.

I mean, it’s confounding people even today! Cage's silent composition is still performed all over the world, but I’m afraid to say, it's often misinterpreted. It's been choreographed, in dance performances for instance, in which case the sound was the beat of the dancers' feet against the stage floor. 教授这里提到,现在Cage的这种非人为作曲也是还在被音乐家应用的,但是是错误的应用。人们开始人为地制造看似是非人为制造的音乐,比如说舞会上舞蹈家的鞋敲击地板的声音。所以其实现在的这些名义上是非人为的声音其实是人为的。选项B符合意思。其余三个选项则错误理解了。iants形成的两种理论。选项B符合题意。其余三个选项没有很好概括。选择B。

2. Why does the professor review the formation of rocky planets?
A. To contrast it with the formation of the Sun.
B. To correct a common misunderstanding about accretion.
C. To use the information as the basis for another topic of discussion.
D. To introduce recent discoveries about rocky planets in other solar systems.

We believe our solar system began as a huge spinning cloud of dust and gas, which flattened and eventually collapsed in on itself. The matter it's centered condensed into a ball of hot gas and dust, eventually becoming our sun. And what happened to the remaining cloud?
To the disk encircling the sun when it was a young star?
The rocky planets were born.
这里是教授先带领学生复习了rock planets是怎么形成的。但是这节课是要讲gas giants是怎么形成的,所以前面的rock planets只是一个引子,为了引出真正的主题。选项C符合作者意思。其余三个选项不符,选择C。

3. What point does the professor emphasize when he mentions water and ammonia?
A. Solid forms of water and ammonia may have contributed to the formation of the gas giants.
B. Water and ammonia were not common substances in the outer accretion disk.
C. Water and ammonia are pulled in by the gravity of protoplanets more readily than other substances are.
D. Most substances found in the core of rocky planets are also found in the core of gas planets.

Remember, the gas giants are farther from the sun, where temperatures are much colder. So, in the outer accretion disk, compounds like water and ammonia exist in frozen form. Closer to the sun, they're more likely to be vaporized by solar radiation. What this means is that in addition to rocky and metallic particles there would be other solids like frozen water and frozen ammonia.

4. According to the professor, what could have occurred when a protoplanet in the outer accretion disk reached a mass of five to ten Earths?
A. It started to shed grains of rock and metal into the solar system.
B. Its gravity began to pull in huge amounts of the surrounding gas.
C. Its gravity caused clumps to form in the surrounding gas.
D. It collided with smaller protoplanets.

And once their mass reaches a certain point, around about 5 to 10 Earths, what would happen?
5 to 10 Earths...uh, with a mass that big, I guess gravity would start to pull in more and more material faster, right?
Material, meaning gas. It would rapidly pull in more and more gas from the accretion disk, so you end up with a solid core of rock, metal and ice surrounded by massive amounts of gas.

5. According to the professor, what are two claims of the disk-instability theory?
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A. Gas planet formation did not begin with a solid core.
B. Gas planets cannot form in extremely cold temperatures.
C. Gas planet formation can occur anywhere in the accretion disk.
D. Gas planets form over a relatively short time.

Now, the other theory is called the disk instability theory.
The disk instability theory holds that gas begins the planet-making process, without a solid core. You see, most of the outer accretion disk would have been gas. We believe solid particles probably made up just one percent of the outer accretion disk.
Over time, dust particles within a gas clump coalesce, bond together, and eventually fall toward the center, creating a core. Once this happens, the gas clump grows relatively quickly as its gravity pulls in more and more gas and dust particles. And this whole process can theoretically happen within one hundred thousand years.
这两段说了两点关于disk instability理论的特点:一个是这种形成理论认为,形成行星的时候是没有一个固体的核的;而且这个气体聚集的形成过程非常迅速,10万年就能完成。这两点分别对应选项A和选项D。其余两个选项则没有依据。双选AD。

6. Which is right about the professor's opinion about the disk-instability theory?
A. It differs from the core-accretion theory in relatively insignificant ways.
B. It does not take into account the amount of time needed for gas planets to form.
C. It is more applicable to star formation than the core-accretion theory is.
D. Solid particles are believed to own a small proportion of the outer accretion disk.

解析:本题选项A在原文中没有找到依据,不选;选项C是说star formation,恒星形成,与本文内容也无关;选项B涉及到Once this happens, the gas clump grows relatively quickly as its gravity pulls in more and more gas and dust particles. And this whole process can theoretically happen within one hundred thousand years,这里提到了时间,错误;选项D的出题点在于:You see, most of the outer accretion disk would have been gas. We believe solid particles probably made up just one percent of the outer accretion disk. 所以outer accretion disk拥有的固态粒子很少,正确。选择D。





