





GMAT考试中比较结构相对来说是比较难排除错误选项的一个部分,其考察核心在于“比较对象”一定要Be clear and Make sense,下面我们来具体解析。


对于比较结构的考察核心在于“比较对象”一定要Be clear and Make sense,不明白?没关系,下文是详细介绍。

比较一直是SC部分常考的一个点,不像GMAT考试的平行结构能够很容易的看出来是否对仗工整,比较结构相对来说是比较难排除错误选项的一个部分,因为在我们平常的表达中经常使用的比较结构往往到了GMAT中不再适用,简而言之,GMAT考试对于比较结构的考察核心在于“比较对象”一定要Be clear and Make sense,下面我们先拿 “COMPARAED TO/WITH”来解(开)释(刀)!

USAGE OF “COMPARAED TO/WITH” with statistics/quantities

*There is NO functional difference between COMPARAED TO and COMPARAED WITH

首先compared to和compared with是没有区别的,至少不能作为一个排除的点,然后我们来看下具体的用法。



*If you present statistics with “compared to/with”, then you DO NOT INCLUDE ANY OTHER WORDS OF COMPARISON. (当我们在使用“compared to/with”时,不能再加其他的比较结构,否则就重复了!)

GMAT考试In other words:

“twice as much…compared to” redundant X (should just be “twice as much…AS”)

“more/less…compared to” redundant X (should just be “more/less THAN”)

我们来看下GMAT考试中正确的用法:Example of correct usage

“28 percent of American husbands were married to wives with more years of schooling, compared to 6 percent in 1971.”

 i.e.. you just PRESENT THE NUMBERS – no additional words re: more, less, N times. etc.


In the United States, while the number of foreign-born residents and their children is higher than ever, the percentage of the population they represent in not; in 1910 this group made up 35 percent of the population when compared to 20 percent in 2000.

(A)population when compared to 20 percent in 2000

(B)population as compared to 2000, when it was 20 percent

(C)population, comparing it with 20 percent in 2000

(D)population, unlike 2000, with 20 percent

(E)population, compared with 20 percent in 2000  


When you use “compare to/with”, you should make sure that you actually compare THE QUANTITIES THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE COMPARED.

 (in this problem, those quantities are 35% and 20%)

(A)when (this group) compared to 20 percent, wrong! And literally this means that this statistic is only true WHEN IT IS BEDING COMPARED to the other one.

(B)You are not supposed to compare the years, also “AS compared to” is undesirable.

(C)This group compare it with 20 percent, wrong!

(D)This group unlike 2000, make on sense. With 20 percent is not idiomatic & doesn’t make sense.



Providing initial evidence that airports are a larger source of pollution than they were once believed to be, environmentalists in Chicago report that the total amount of pollutant emitted annually by vehicles at O’Hare International Airport is twice as much as that which is being emitted annually by all motor vehicles in the Chicago metropolitan area.

A. as much as that which is being emitted annually by all

B. as much annually as is emitted by the

C. as much compared to what is annually emitted by all

D. that emitted annually by all

E. that emitted annually compared to the

The official answer is D.


