我们今天主要是说四个难的题目,分别是:Imply,Multiple choice,process和表格题。
Before the late 19th century. If they women who wanted to become artists had to take private lessons or learn from family members. They had more limited options than men did. But around 1870s, some artists in Paris began to offer classes for female students. These classes were for women only. And by the end of the 19th century, it became much more common for women and men to study together in the same classes.
And by the last two decades of the 19th century, one fifth of the paintings in the salon were by women, much higher than in the past.
4. According to the professor, what were two ways that the situation of women artists had changed by the end of the nineteenth century in Paris?
(1)unlike earlier lunar missions, Clementine didn’t orbit only around the moon’s equator. Its orbits enabled it to send back data to create this topographical map.
(2)You may have noticed that in Chanson’s poetry there isn’t much about the hero’s feelings. The focus is on the actions, the deeds. But the Romance Poetry describes a lot of the inner feelings, the motivations, psychology you could say, of the knight trying to improve himself, to better himself, so he’s worthy the love of a woman.
glaciers generally move really slowly. But sometimes, they experience surges, and during these surges, in some places, they can move at speeds as high as 7000 meters per year.
问: What does the professor say about the speed of glaciers?
(1)Now, we geologists thought we had a pretty good idea of how the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States was formed.
But now we’ve learned something different, and quite surprising, using a technique called Uranium-Lead Dating.
问:Before the uranium lead dating, where do we thought the sand that form the Grand Canyon come from?
(2)I mean, we tend to think that people who lived at that time must have been pretty primitive. But I’m gonna show you some slides in a few minutes and I think you will agree with me that this art is anything but primitive. They are masterpieces. And they look so real, so alive that it’s very hard to imagine that they are so very old.
问:What is the professor’s opinion of the Chauvet painting?
1. And there might be several reasons why languages such as these had so much in common. Maybe it happened by chance, maybe one language was heavily influenced by borrowed words from the other. Or maybe, maybe the languages developed from the same source language long ago, that is, maybe they are genetically related, that was what happened with Sanskrit, Latin and Greek.
2. Now, there have been several attempts to solve this paradox.
3. Now, assisted migration could become a viable part of our rescue strategy, but there are a number of uncertainties and risks.
4. One of the concrete ways is….
5. First the echoes….
1 this process shouldn’t be too hard to imagine….
2 what they do is…
3 the basic idea is…
4 first…. Then… followed by… next….
1. 语气强调—考重听题
2. 语义强调—you should remember, don’t get confused, what impresses me most is, what’s interesting is, the problem is , the thing is ……
3. 强调部分例子就等大家在应用了老师给出的信号词后,发现做题很清晰后,后台回复给我们咯~