
考前预测 | 2018年8月雅思口语高频重点话题(全)








Part 1必考一级超高频重点话题


Do you often use maps?

How often do you use it?

When did you learn how to use maps?

Do you prefer paper maps or E-maps?


Do you have plants at home?

Do you know how to take care of a plant?

What special meanings do different flowers have in your culture?

What special meanings do different trees have in your culture?

Do people send plants as gifts?

3. Outdoor activities

What outdoor activities do you like to do?

Where do you often do outdoor activities?

Do you like outdoor activities?

What outdoor activities do you like to do?

How often do you do outdoor activities?

Do people in your country prefer to spend time indoors or outdoors?


Would you make friends with your classmates?

Is it difficult to make friends?

How do you make friends?

What do you do when you’re with your friends?

Do you have many friends?

Do you chat with your friends on line?

Do you keep in touch with your friends from childhood?

5. Food

Have you tried foreign foods?

What is the most popular Chinese food?

Do you want to try more foreign food?


Are you working or studying?

What is your major?

Do you like your major?

What training have you received for your job?

Will you continue doing your job in the future?

Have you take apart time job?

When do you have the best efficiency in studying?

What’s your ideal job?

Part 1必考二级高频话题




4.Daily transport

5.Outdoor exercise/outdoor activities




9.Work or study

10.Accommodation/living/house or flat (apartment)

11.Being late/lateness/punctuality/being on time



14.Rainy days

15.Teacher & school life







22.Future job/ideal job/dream job

Part 2必考一级超高频重点话题

1.A math class / something useful you learned from math classes

2.Your first mobile phone / the impact your first mobile phone had on your life

3.Something that you can concentrate on/something that can make you concentrate

4.An experience when you went shopping in a street market

5.An interesting job

6.A competition you want to join in

7.A building you like

8.A meaningful song that you like

9.Something you wore on special occasions

10.Something that you own but you want to replace

11.A time when you had to change your plan (mind)

12.Describe a person who you know, you like and is very talkative

13.An interesting animal

14.A perfect holiday or vacation away from home

15.A party you went to before

16.Something that happened recently and made you happy

17.A trip you took public transport to

18.A trip you plan to have

19.A magazine you like

20.A quiet place you like / A place that you like to visit

21.A sport you have watched and want to try

22.A childhood friend you like

23.A time when you saved money for something

24.An important river or lake in your country

25.A popular comic actor/actress (此话题在5月-8月出现概率极高)

26.The subject that you like most

27.Something important you lost

28.Something interesting that some of your friends have done but you have not

29.A good decision that someone around you made recently

30.A recent development in your city

31.A country or a city you want to work in or live in

32.A public place that needs to be improved

Part 2必考二级高频话题

1.A website you like

2.A special dinner you had

3.A leisure facility (like a cinema, a theater or a sports center) you like to have in your hometown

4.A special day out that did not cost much money

5.An important event that you celebrated

6.A good parent

7.A technology you like using (not a computer)

8.A person who often visits your home / an occasion when someone visited your home

9.A TV program you like

10.A time when you had to be polite

11.Something you enjoy doing with an old person of your family

12.The season you like most in a year

13.A famous sportsman or athlete you admire

14.A popular person you know

15.A traditional product in your country /a piece of furniture

16.A toy in your childhood

17.A famous person you are interested in

18.An impressive story someone told you

19.An occasion when you helped someone (who, what you did, when, why)

20.A historical period you are interested in

21.A photo you can remember clearly/that someone took for you

22.A good/happy service you got recently

