





Dear all, 有没有发现九月的雅思口语新题库已经偷偷出来了呢?整理了一些提供给马上要上场“涂鸦”的小伙伴们。请大家慢慢品尝。


对了,细心的小伙伴们应该会发现的,里面有些题目是旧题,所以想要sample answers作为参考或者灵感的,记得去我的喜马拉雅频道翻一翻喽。You know where to find me!







1.Describe a time that you were afraid of something.

You should say:

—what happened;

—where you were;

—who was with you.

And explain why you were so afraid.


2.Describe a plant grown in your country that you think is important.

You should say:


—where it is grown?

—why you like or dislike it.

And explain why it is important to your country.


3.Describe a television program that made you laugh.

You should say:

—what the program is;

—how often you watch it;

—what it was about.

And explain why it could make you laugh.


4.Describe the best present you have received.

You should say:

—what it was;

—who gave it to you?

—when you received it.

And explain why it was the best gift/present you have ever received.


5.Describe a law which you like.

版本二:Describe a law or rule that you think is important.

You should say:

—what the law is;

—what it is good for;

—how do you feel about this law;

And explain why you like this law / why you think it is important.


6.Describe a book you have recently read.

You should say:

—what the books is;

—who wrote the book;

—what the book is about;

—how you felt about it.

And explain if it is a good book or not.


7.Describe a holiday you want to go on in the future.(想听sample answer的可以点击上面的链接)

You should say:

—where you want to go;

—when you would like to go; (另一个可能:whom you would like to go with)

—what you will do during the holiday.

And explain why you want to go theregin-right:0.0000pt;margin-bottom:0.0000pt;margin-left:0.0000pt;padding:0pt 0pt 0pt 0pt ;mso-pagination:widow-orphan;"> 

8.Describe what you usually do in your leisure time.

You should say:

—what you do;

—whom you do it with;

—where you do it?

And explain why you like to spend your free time this way.

     新题明显未放完啊,小伙伴们不要心急,陆续有来的。记得stay tuned! 如果你还有什么问题,点击下面图标,与在线教师单独沟通↓↓ 
