






是有出国留学梦的同学们必须要迈过的一个门槛,而写作是里面相对比较难的一项,很多同学的分数都卡在这个单项上面了。其中特别是独立写作是很多同学感到比较难的一项。 特别是当拿到题目,准备开始写开头段的时候,往往不知道如何下笔。那么今天我们就来就开头段的写法分话题进行一个逐步的分析:

1. 教育类作文的开头段:

例题1:Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take care basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.


Eg. University curriculum determines what kind of education students receive and what kind of educational philosophy the university maintains.(背景句,引入今天的题目的大背景) Some educators advocate incorporating basic science into compulsory courses no matter what fields students major in(改写题目). Personally, I do not think it is a smart move(最后一句表明自己的观点).

例题2:Some people advocate students going to school for 9 months a year in a row and take a rest for 3 months. While another point of view favors three months of school with one month for rest. Which do you prefer(2015.10.10)

When it comes to school arrangements, opinions vary from person to person.(常用的,也是学生们非常喜欢用的背景句) Some educators believe learning for 9 consecutive months can promote performance while others argue that students need a break every other 3 months(改写题目). If I were to decide, this problem should be answered case by case(表明自己的观点).

2. 工作类话题开头段的写法:

例题一:A low paying but secure job is better than a job with higher salary but less security.

开头段可以这样来写:Some job seekers contend that stability counts the most when entering the workforce while others give priority to material gain that comes with the job(这种开头段的写法是把背景和话题糅合到一个句子里面了,其实这也是很好的写法,因为并不是每个开头段都需要一定去写背景句,而直接把背景和话题以巧妙的方式融合在一起也是没有任何问题的). I, however, think this issue should be analyzed case by case(表明自己的观点).

例题二:Future career success relies more on relating to other people more than studying hard at school.

The definition of success varies from person to person.(背景句开始铺陈) Some may attribute a successful life to diligence while others argue socializing abilities should be given more emphasis.(改写题目)As for me , success depends on communicative skills, teamwork spirit and social circle, which are easily available in a person who relate well to others. (自己观点和立场的清晰表明)

3. 性格品质类话题开头段的写法:

例题一:You need to be different to succeed rather then acting like people around you.

Success can be perceived and achieved in many different ways.(背景句) Some people believe being different holds the key while others attribute success to finding common grounds. (改写题目)I would like to go the former view because successful depends on knowledge, experience and social circle.(表明自己的观点)




姓    名:李越
所在地点: 西安市高新区高新路56号中国电信广场金融商务中心5F室
擅长课程: 雅思,托福,SAT


