







话题1:'money' answers

1. Why is it important for people to save some of their money?

In the long term I think it's important to save for retirement, but it's also a good idea to have a certain amount of money saved so that you can deal with unexpected problems in the less distant future. For example, I've learnt to put some money aside for car repairs, and this came in useful recently when I needed to have my car's brake pads changed. If I hadn't had savings, the cost of getting my car repaired could have sent me into the red.

2. In your view, should children be taught how to manage money?

Not at school, no. I believe it's the job of parents to gradually teach children that kind of thing, or perhaps there's no need for anyone to teach children about money because they learn about it naturally as they grow up. For example, I remember being given money to buy sweets or an ice cream when I was a child, and I soon learnt what I could afford and what I couldn't.

3. Do you think that girls are better at saving money than boys?

I've never thought about that before. I don't see any reason why girls would be better savers than boys or vice versa. I suppose it depends more on the personality of each individual and what their interests are. For example, a child who likes cheap toys might not think about saving, whereas a child who wants to buy something expensive, like a bike or a games console, might summon the willpower to save up!


话题2:'describe a photo' answer


Describe a photograph of you that you like. You should say

- where the photo was taken

- what you were doing when it was taken

- who took it

- and explain why you like the photo.


The photograph that immediately comes to mind when I think of one that I like is my university graduation photo. It was taken just before the graduation ceremony that marked the end of my undergraduate degree. You can’t see anything in the background of the photo, but it was actually taken in the students’ cafe next to the hall where the ceremony was held.

In the photo, I’m wearing the traditional clothing for university graduates: a black gown and an academic cap, which is often called a mortar board. I’m also holding my rolled-up degree certificate. Obviously this was a formal portrait photo, and so I was standing still, smiling and looking into the camera.

The person who took the photo was a professional photographer. He had been hired by the university to set up in the cafe and take photos of graduates before the ceremony. He had a white screen, some lighting devices, and an assistant who took payments and collected our details.

<00pt;">The reason why I like my graduation photo is that it reminds me of a pivotal moment in my life. Being presented with my degree certificate at the graduation ceremony was the culmination of four years of hard work, and it marked the end of the ‘education’ stage of my life. I had achieved my objectives and made my family proud, and I knew that the next step was to look for my first proper job. Whenever I look at the photo it brings back happy memories, both of my university days and of the relief and contentment that I felt on my graduation day.


话题3:'singing' answers

Here are my sample answers to the 'singing' questions that I shared last week. Remember: there's no need to show off in part 1. It's more important to demonstrate your fluency at this stage. Try to give short, simple answers without too much hesitation.

1. Did you enjoy singing when you were younger?

No, I was never much of a singer. I remember that I was always a little shy and embarrassed when it came to singing in front of others.

2. How often do you sing now?

I don't sing in public, but I do sometimes find myself singing along to songs if I'm listening to music in the car. Perhaps this happens once a week or less.

3. Do you have a favourite song you like listening to?

No, not at the moment. I used to have favourite songs when I was a teenager - when I was discovering new music - but these days I prefer to listen to a variety of music, rather than a particular favourite tune.

4. How important is singing in your culture?

It seems to be really important these days. TV programmes like 'X Factor', which are basically singing contests, are hugely popular at the moment. So many young people dream of being famous singers.


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