










3.女生问怎么没办法注册一门课,进入了网站之后的步骤没法操作,然后employee in register center说,因为现在选课的学生太多(有重听题),然后女生还说有门课人满了选不了,那个工作人员说可以联系教课的教授,女生说教授不在学校(有题),consulter说找他认识的一个历史专业的学生,和她情况差不多找到历史部门就解决了。



5.关于生物,讲的是海豚有一个什么概念体在体内,好像是tool用,但是这种行为在海洋生物中并不普遍,然后学生就举了别的生物这种tool use的行为,但都是在forage方面,然后又提出会不会是海豚利用这种方式去play,但是教授很快就反驳了这个观点。然后提出这个海绵可以帮助海豚保护自己,但是会影响他们的回声,但是三文鱼石头坚硬的地方生活而且海豚不能通过回声捕捉三文鱼,所以这个海绵体在海豚捕捉三文鱼方面有很大作用。

Mineral species. mineral因为cores不同,而有不同的类别。就像狗有breed一样。mineral species的形成经历了billions of years. 1)universe形成的时候。有些supernova超新星死了之后,冷却形成了几种mineral。;2)algae海藻出现之后,空气中氧气增多。很多现存的mineral氧化形成新的mineral。这种方法形成的最多。




1. Talk about how your study habits differ from others.

2. Describe a job you admired but you will NOT choose it yourself.

3. Which of the following three would you choose to do in summer vacation? Working as a librarian, painter in an art center, or life guard in the natatorium?

4. Your friend is going to take a part-time job in college. Please describe the advantages and disadvantages of doing a part-time.

5. Which of the following classes is the most attractive to students?

Sound engineering

History of rock music

Film studies

6. If the school doesn’t allow students to take cellphones with them when they come to school, what would be the influence of this policy?

7. What should we do to help the elder in our community?

8. Which one do you think is more important? The process of doing something or the result at the end?

1. Do you agree or disagree that the determining factor that the successful of students in school is the intelligence?

2. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should ban violent TV shows and foul languages on TV?

3. Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Interrupting others while others are talking about something is impolite?

4. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never too late for people to go to the university to get a degree. Include reasons and examples in your response.

5. Do you agree or disagree with this statement that we should help our friends only when they ask for help?

6. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good teachers admit they make mistakes or don’t know something.

7. Agree or disagree that students should take some additional courses so that they can get their credits more quickly?

8. Do you agree or disagree that it is important for young people to learn skills like cooking, sewing and caring for others?

9. Your school is planning to ban library computers from accessing social media websites. Do you agree or disagree with such a plan?

10. Some people want to change their appearance, even by surgery. Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons.





2.说公认的造成地球有气候周期,比如ice age的是地球什么axis tilt的角度还有什么rotation之类的,但是在过去几个billion年中,地球气候在变暖,这期间还是出现了几次ice age,所以除了上面的原因应该还有其他原因造成ice age。然后提到了某个P时期,那时候所有大陆都连在一起,在靠近赤道的位置,一部分比如说澳洲非洲等的大陆一直延伸到了polars,阻碍了那边water circulation,所以water不能够起到调节temperature的作用,这是P时期产生ice age的原因。又说到了另一个时期,忘记名字了,那个时期由于下雨,导致大气层中二氧化碳气体都被冲走了,所以产生了那个时期的ice age。之后由于海底volcano的喷发导致二氧化碳气体浓度变高气候又变暖了。再讲道sun activity可能对ice age也有影响,size of sun spots还有corona的厚度什么都可能影响ice age,但这种影响的程度还不确定。例子是最近一次small ice age,在这段时间欧洲很冷,地球变成了ice ball还是啥的,同时又发现在这期间正好太阳活动很少,几乎没怎么观测到太阳活动。

3.关于Silver Tea Pot,第一段说什么revolution之前的需求都是小首饰啊鞋扣啥的,之后需求变为full set的茶壶,还说到什么风格。还能在上面刻名字防止被偷,第三段说银器可以用来抵偿组建军队的债务又可以是身份的象征,第四段说negative的方面。

4.科学家研究在西伯利亚的人是怎么迁徙到美洲的,认为是从ice age的白令海峡去到南阿拉斯加的,但是对于怎么从北美到南美有两种看法,一种是路上过去,经过大平原和落基山脉;另一种是从当时结冰的西海岸过去,提到一个例子一个山洞里发现了以海中生物为食物的人类残骸。

1.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

All university students should be required to take basic science courses even if it is not the field of their study.

3.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.

4.Do you agree or disagree with the following opinion?

The most important goal of education is to help people educate themselves

5.Do you agree or disagree with the statement?

Teachers' performance should be evaluated by students rather than by other teachers?

6.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

The competition between friends always has negative effect.

7.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

One can learn a lot about the person from the type of friends the person has. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

8.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Successful people accept new things and take risks rather than hold on to the things that they have done well.

9.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

People nowadays spend much more time than they should using text messages and new technologies such as social media to communicate with each other.

10.Which is more important in one's career life? The working knowledge and skills or the ability to adapt to new conditions.

11.Some people argue using a cleaner energy to protect the environment, but some people say the traditional energy sources such as coal and oil is less expensive, what is your suggestion?

12.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for colleagues or classmates to communicate in person than through emails in order to do a project well.

13.Which of the following do you think contribute most to an enjoyable vacation?

1. Good food;

2. Good location; "

3. Good friends to travel with.

Select one and give your reasons.14.As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city?

A. creating job opportunities for the unemployed;

B. lowering food price;

C. providing affordable housing.

15.Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Advertising today is less honest than it was in the past, for that reason it is less useful for people to choose what they want to buy.

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