







  Task 1: Your community is going to schedule an activity to improve the service for the local residents. Which of the following do you think should provide the activity?
  1) Fire department
  2) Police station
  3) Park and recreation department
  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is never acceptable to interrupt others when they are speaking.
  Task 1: Your friend wants to come to your country and what things do you suggest him to do and not to do to be polite and respectful?
  Task 2: Your school plans to set up a study hall for students to take a break and do projects. Do you think this is a good idea or not?
  1. Among the three, who do you think can tell the kids right from wrong?
  2. University students encounter many difficult challenges in their studies. Which challenge do you think is the most difficult one and how do you deal with it?
  3. Some professors allow students to have exams at home, then bringing their test papers back to school to submit. From your perspective, can you talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this kind of examination?
  4. Which one of the following do you think is the most important quality for an entrepreneur?
  1) outgoing
  2) clear-minded
  3) innovative
  5. Which of the following do you think is the most important quality for an employee?
  1) Performance during the interview
  2) Previous work experience
  3) Education background
  6. Describe a change in your school that was initially considered by students as having negative effects on their life but later proved to be positive?  8. Your friend is coming to take a visit to your country. Which transportation would you like to recommend to him? Include explanations in your response.
  9. Your friend wants to attend a summer school to graduate one year earlier from the university. Talk about an advantage and disadvantage of doing this.
  10. Which of the following programs would you like to participate in?
  1) Planting trees
  2) Recycling
  3) Painting natural and outside areas
  11. Which of the following areas of current events do you most like to read?
  1) Politics
  2) Sports
  3) Arts and films
  12. If your friend wants to keep a pet, what do you think he should prepare?
  13. If you run a small business with your friends, what do you want to do?
  14. Recall an argument that you have ever had with others and describe the details of the conflict.
  15. What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?
  16. Your local community center wants to add some new workshops or programs for children. Which of the following do you think would be the most beneficial for children’s development?
  1) Art craft workshop
  2) Technology workshop
  3) Athletic programs
  17. Describe an unusual experience you had. What did you do to avoid being nervous?
  18. Your school decides to use electronic newspapers instead of paper ones. Talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this decision.
  19. The student is asked to write final project about the famous historical city which you're located in. Which resource do you choose?
  1) video the famous building
  2) visit the old people
  3) Research and write paper
  20. The museum decides to open a new section for exhibition. Which of the following do you prefer?
  1) robot technology
  2) ocean animals以上就是关于2019年1月26日托福考试练习题相关内容同学们还可以免费进行进行模考测评。欢迎点击下方咨询老师按钮随时咨询,预祝各位学员们取得优异的成绩!

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