








1. Logically organizes information and ideas; there is clear progression throughout

2. Uses a range of cohesive devices appropriately

3. Presents a clear central topic within each paragraph


题目: A longer prison term as a way of punishing those who break the law is not as good as other methods. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Imposing sentences is widely accepted as a method to punish those who commit serious offence and sometimes as a correctional method. This approach may be effective, but we should also consider other ways to reform offenders.



作者在先用一段承认a long prison 是有作用的。不然我们后面段落的转折就很突兀。

The prison sentence may have a deterrent effect on either prospective offenders or habitual offenders. 接下来解释为什么会有威慑作用,是对主题句的解释。Imprisonment means that those who violate laws will lose freedom, a consequence that no rational person is willing to take. 接下来作者引出一个并列的原因。The criminal record can also have a lasting impact on their lives including their career. They will not commit crimes when they run out of money; instead, they will choose to find work or run a small business to earn a living. This can help create a peaceful and safe community.

讲解完坐牢的威慑作用后,作者转折到了其它的惩罚措施- 社区服务,这个对应了开头段的观点。While I agree with a long prison term may sometimes help us fight crime, we can consider community service as an alternative. 后面就是对社区服务的作用的进一步解释。These services can make some offenders, especially those who committed minor crimes, law-abiding citizens, who can learn responsibility and realize the damage caused by crimes to innocent people. If they are sentenced to prison, they will possibly make friends with other offenders. They will not repent or take stock of their lives, so they may reoffend after being released, which can pose a threat to other members of society.


这一段进一步提出了另外的两个解决方案,这就体现了我们progression的感觉。We can also provide educational opportunities and vocational training for them, improving their interpersonal skills and job skills. 这里用因果分析的方法分析了为什么提供教育和职业培训更有用。It is worth nothing that many juvenile offenders or first-time offenders broke the law because of a lack of social experience or low social-economic status. Crime is no longer an option, if they can find work and understand legal responsibilities. The prison can isolate criminals from society, shattering their confidence in finding work and reintegrating into society.

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