在SSAT考试中,SSAT写作是我们备考的一个难点,很多学生往往只是重视词汇和语法水平的提升,不同的题型也有不同的应对技巧。SSAT写作部分有三大题型,谚语Proverb,陈述Statement和开放性问题Open Question。下面就来看看如何应对这三类题型!
在SSAT考试中,SSAT写作是我们备考的一个难点,很多学生往往只是重视词汇和语法水平的提升,不同的题型也有不同的应对技巧。SSAT写作部分有三大题型,谚语Proverb,陈述Statement和开放性问题Open Question。下面就来看看如何应对这三类题型!
1. 谚语类SSAT写作要求为:针对话题表明态度(agree or disagree);然后采用1-2个具体的例子支持观点,例子来源于考生自己的生活经验、他人的生活经验、时事、历史以及文学谚语题是这三种题型当中难度最大的一个。这种题难就难在学生对于谚语的理解。很多同学看到谚语题都不知道从何下手,因为一些同学根本就不明白这句谚语的意思是什么。另外,由于语言和文化上的差异,很多中国学生对于英语的谚语总是理解得不是非常到位,这就需要我们要进行大量的积累。
2. 陈述类SSAT写作要求为:针对话题表明态度(agree or disagree);然后采用1-2个具体的例子支持观点,例子来源于考生自己的生活经验、他人的生活经验、时事、历史以及文学陈述题是最简单的一种题型,这与我们中国学生在平时的课堂上练习的写作题非常类似。所以如果我们的学生在考试的时候遇到了陈述题,那对考生真的是一件幸事。
3. 开放性问题的类型多样,主要有以下两种模式:给出一个不完整的句子,让考生将该句话补充完整,并作为文章的开头继续写下去;给出一个问题让考生回答。这样的开放性问题主要来考察学生的思维的灵活程度。在进行这类题型的训练时,学生不要急于进行写作,一定要给自己多一点时间来进行思考,要尽量拓宽自己的思路,这样才能在考试的时候写出出色的文章。
1. 第一段是开头/Introduction,考生需要阐明自己的观点。
2. 接下来是主体段落/Body,主体段落可以写2-3段,考生可以根据题目以及自己要论述的论点来决定写几段。
3. 最后是结尾段/Conclusion,结尾段需要我们把整个文章进行总结。切记,结尾段不要再进行长篇的议论,要短小精干,同时还要注意点题。
1 认真审题:审题是写好一篇作文的第一步,也是最关键的一步。SSAT的写作部分时间紧张,但是大家绝对不能在审题上缩减时间。
2 学会构思:好的构思是打动考官和校方的最好武器。如果没有一个独特的思路和视角,你的作文很难让考官和校方“眼前一亮”。
3 积累例证:考生要在平时注意积累大量的例证和写作素材。我们可以通过阅读书籍、收听新闻等方法来进行积累,另外还要学会观察自己的身边的事物,从生活中的小事中吸取灵感。
4 研读范文:我们建议考生在考试之前认真研读范文。研读范文的目的不是让大家简单了解写作的思路和结构,而是要尝试模仿范文的写作手法,主要才能力争高分。
5 锤炼语言:在我们中国学生学习英语的过程中,大家往往会被母语影响,从而写出一些中式的英文来。中式英文在考试中是非常大的忌讳。大家需要在不断练习地道的英语,摒弃中式英语。
6 坚持练习:写作属于输出型的语言技能,这类技能最需要的就是坚持不懈的练习。我们从来没有听说有学生通过短期的学习就迅速突破了写作,所以大家一定要在考前坚持进行写作训练,打好写作基本功,这样才能在写作部分取得理想的分数。
“Haste makes waste” is an old English idiom which tells us that if you do things too quickly or too carelessly, you are likely to make more mistakes and end up with bad result. It has been true throughout the history and is absolutely true in the world today. I want to sustain my opinion throughout the following two examples.
One of the examples that I want to illustrate is the problem-causing construction of the stadium in my neighborhood which was constructed in order to hold the National Sports Game ten years ago. I learned from my mother that the stadium was built only for half a year in a great hurry and haste. At first, all of the people in our neighborhood were supremely amazed at the astonishing rapid rate and efficiency at building such a brand-new stadium with the most advanced technology in our nation. But a good time never lasted long, 2 months later, portion of the roof collapsed due to the heavy storm and rain. This leaded to a series of continuing problem such as a big strike of labors and the shortage of money in mending and rebuilding the “new” stadium. Until 1 year later, the stadium which had been previously considered as the first-class stadium over the country was reopened to public, unfortunately 8 months after the hold of the Nation Sport Game.
The failure of my test may also be regarded as a very persuasive example of “Haste makes waste”. Once I had a hard time preparing for an extremely complicated but important final-exam in my school. The fact is that I didn’t manage my schedule well and had to go over all the notes and papers in at most 6 hours, in other words, I didn’t have time to rest, to sleep, to have meals but just to keep working. This may seem to be an efficient method to accomplish so much work at the same time. But it turned out to be a terrible or even worse time for me. My head kept falling down and I felt drowsy and couldn’t help falling asleep. Actually I only studied for 3 hours in all, only half of the efficiency that I planned to reach. There couldn’t be an even worse time for me and I learned a hard but meaningful lesson from it.
In sum, nothing good can be done unless you do it with great clam and carefulness, if not, it will probably result in an even more costly and worthless consequence. Just as the example: most of the spelling mistakes are caused because people spell the words too quickly and carelessly without checking them again. Thus, what we should do now is try to be more careful and responsible of what we’re going to do and avoid those unnecessary mistakes.
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