Schools should be more focused on improving facilities(libraries, computers, or labs) for students than on hiring famous teachers.(学校应该更加注重改善学生的设施(图书馆、计算机、实验室),而不是聘请教师。)
Moreover, famous teachers can not only bring experiences and methods but also a celebrity effect which would attract more intelligent and genius teachers and students to university, which will be beneficial to the fame and rank of it. For instance, there is a tendency that universities around the world are battling for well-known and talented scientists in every area. Apart from what I said above, some implicit advantages cannot be exposed casually but rather an in-depth way to exist.
本来本段例证是为了具体解释说明topic sentence(主题句)中的分论点,但为什么看完例证还是觉得晦涩难懂呢?火眼金睛的你能否发现当中存在的问题呢?
问题1:大学拥有famous teachers(教师)的优点之一,是利用名人效应吸引更多有聪明才智的同学和老师,从而有利于提高学校的名气和排名。为什么会有这种效果?在接下来的论证中我们没有读出具体的解释,同为中国人我们看了尚且有不知所云的感受,何况是要评判我们作文的考官呢?彻底看晕了!究其原因,例证的部分不够具体,也就是没有解释清楚。
问题2:Apart from what I said above, some implicit advantages cannot be exposed casually but rather an in-depth way to exist. 这句字面意思是说:除此之外,一些潜在的(暗含的)优点不能轻易说出,而是以更深刻的方式存在。这是老外最忌讳的语言,潜在的优点到底是什么?什么又是更深刻的方式?一定要明白告知,才称得上论证具体。
Moreover, famous teachers can bring about a celebrity effect which will attract more students to enter the university for pursuing their academic goals. For instance, by employing a teacher whose special concentration is in accounting, a university is able to publicize its accounting department by introducing one of the famous professors and his or her professional accomplishment and unique teaching method. Compared with abstract theories in accounting field from books in the library, a famous professor’s explanation in class and guidance after class is definitely more attractive to students who want to learn something in this specific academic field. Normally, having famous professors is taken for granted as an important factor in ranking universities. Therefore, in the long run, it will be beneficial to the fame and ranking of the university.
文章修改总结:我们看一下修改完的段落为什么比之前的表达更清楚。其中pursuing their academic goals, accounting, professional accomplishment, guidance, teaching method 等都是具体的词,改过之后,这段的论证更加清晰具体了。
中同学们经常遇到的问题是表达太过干瘪,不能用具体丰富,形象生动的论证来支撑自己的观点,亦或是虽然主体段写了很多,但是没有展开与topic sentence 相关的论证。我们一定要谨记一点:主体段一定要展开具体的论证,把例子解释清楚,把道理说明白。