








题目: Do you agree or disagree with the statement: University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.


University curriculum determines what kind of education students receive and what kind of educational philosophy the university maintains. Some educators advocate incorporating basic science into compulsory courses no matter what fields students major in. I don’t think it is a very smart move.

First off, making basic science mandatory does not cater to post-university goals. The common expectation of people who go to universities is to gain a competitive edge in job hunting. They spend four years studying not just to get a diploma, but to acquire skills and expertise they can put into use in their future careers. Take a liberal arts students for instance. If he/she aspires to become a mayor or senator after graduation, why does he/she have to memorize chemical formulas and draw distinctions between invertebrates and amphibians? He/she could make better use of the time by joining students government or debate team. Instead, for the dubious benefits of learning science , he/she has to set aside plans that could actually aid his/her future career. Sure, no one would deny subjects like physics and biology could give students an overall awareness of how the world works. But the fact is without such, people can still manage fine in their daily work. So this policy falls short of practical value.


Besides, students with no interest in science would lack the proper motivation to learn it well. University is a place where students get to pursue their own interests. For those scientifically-minded students, it would be a breeze to take science classes. But for the rest, this mandatory policy simply means poor attendance and high failure rates. People always say interest is the best teacher. So students who are bored with science would not appreciate the intention of college authorities. For them, it is high school all over again. Most high school graduates are already tired of to be versatile learners, so when they go to college and choose a major, they expect to devote all their time and energy to what really appeals to them. Instead, they end up learning something they are not passionate about and complaining how hard it it to keep up. The learning process should be enjoyable, not the other way around.

Finally,offering basic science to all the students would be a huge drain on school’s human and financial resources. Just imagine how many more science teachers would be needed to instruct such a sheer number of students. The university would have to hire more professors and teaching assistants, which means a rise in school expenditure. Also, the department of human resources would be under huge pressure since they have to find well-qualified teachers on such short notice. Besides, more lecture halls have to be scheduled in advance to accommodate the addtional calsses. However, universities are all now trying to cut back on spendings to save money; theis policy would give rise to a series of monetary problems which is the last thing schools want to see.


To sum up, it is not recommendable for universities to require all the students to take science classes for the absence of practical use, personal interest and economic benefits.

Besides 段落的相关翻译:此外,对科学没有兴趣的学生将缺乏适当的动机来学好它。大学是学生追求自己兴趣的地方。对于那些具有科学头脑的学生来说,上科学课是轻而易举的事。但对其余的人来说,这一强制政策只意味着低出勤率和高失败率。人们总是说兴趣是最好的老师。因此,对科学感到厌倦的学生不会欣赏大学当局的意图。对他们来说,这是高中生活的翻版。大多数高中毕业生已经厌倦了成为多才多艺的学习者,所以当他们上大学选择专业时,他们希望把所有的时间和精力投入到真正吸引他们的事情上。相反,他们最终会学习一些他们不感兴趣的东西,并抱怨很难跟上。学习的过程应该是愉快的,而不是相反。

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