











in terms of ..就...而言,在。。方面

with regard to 关于

along with 和(表示伴随)

1. With the loss of company from siblings also comes the loss of care for others. As the only child in a big family, they are spoiled in terms of attention and love, usually ending up self-centered adults.

失去了兄弟姐妹的陪伴,也就失去了对他人的关心。 作为一个大家庭中的独生子女,他们在关注和爱上被宠坏了,通常以自我为中心的成年人告终。

2. When seeing utility bills go up, people would think twice in terms of electrical appliance, such as lights out [熄灯] during day time, choosing fans over air conditioners during heat waves.


3. all the knowledge, skills along with the precious life experience accumulated inside this ivory tower would produce far-reaching influences on a person’s future endeavors toward success.




such as +单词或短语;

for example + 句子(一般只举同类人或物中的一个为例,作插入语,可置于句首、句中或句末)

1. However, keeping pets such as dogs and cats would constantly remind them to care about others’ need and share the burden of their parents.

2. Noise, for example, is a kind of pollution.

3. It is possible to combine Computer Science with other subjects, for example Physics.

(3) 直接举例, 注意排比结构:

1. Gaming can be highly addictive because users are constantly given scores, new targets and frequent rewards to keep them playing.

1. 玩游戏很容易上瘾,因为玩家会不断得到分数,新的目标和频繁的奖励,以保持他们玩游戏。

2.If people just happen to get caught up in work or just have had a bad day, then he have to reschedule.


3. when an individual spends too much time on parties or social banquets, he can hardly squeeze time for family, either for a troublemaker son or for a parent in sickbed.


(1) 判断以下文段是否给予足够的细节支撑. 划出具体的细节;补充细节不充足的地方。

1. Another consideration in adopting a dog is the cost. Initial fees for shots and a license might add up to $40. Annual visits to the vet for heartworm pills, rabies or distemper shots, and general checkups could cost $50 or more. Then there is the cost of food. A twenty-five-pound bag of dry food (the cheapest kind) costs around $10. A large dog can eat that much in a couple of weeks.

2. People can be cruel to pets simply by being thoughtless. They do not think about a pet’s needs, or they simply ignore those needs. It never occurs to them that their pet can be experiencing a great deal of discomfort as a result of their failure to be sensitive. The cruelty is a result of the basic lack of attention and concern— qualities that should be there, but are not.

3. If I were in charge of the nighttime programming on a TV network, I would make changes. I would completely eliminate some shows. In fact, all the shows that proved to be of little interest would be canceled. Commercials would also change so that it would be possible to watch them without wanting to turn off the TV set. I would expand the good shows so that people would be a great improvement over the average lineup we see today on any of the major networks.

