






 首先我们复习一下考古类文章的常见考点。发展、起源或者历史相关的词汇(develpoment, change, origin, historical),产生的影响比如发展过程中所受的影响,事物产生的影响。有关的内容往往是考察重点

1.What does the professor mainly discuss?

A. Evidence of an ancient civilization in central Asia

B. Archaeological techniques used to uncover ancient settlements

C. The controversy concerning an archaeological find in central Asia

D. Methods used to preserve archaeological sites in arid area


原文:It's every archaeologist's dream to find a lost civilization, to make some huge discovery, to find artifacts no one else has laid a hand on in millennia. You might think that this never happens any more, given all the research in archaeology that's been done. But in the late twentieth century, archaeologists discovered the remains of a sophisticated people whose settlement might have been the hub of a civilization few people even thought existed.They found this site at the edge of a desert in Turkmenistan, in central Asia, where a series of mounds rise up from the plains.原文提到了“找到失落的文明是每个考古学家的梦想。你可能会认为这种情况不会再发生了,但在20世纪后期,考古学家发现了一个文明古人类的遗骸。”所以我们得知文章开头部分说到了考古学家在中亚发现了古代文明,和A选项描述一致。


2.What point does the professor make about mound sites?

A. They are easier to excavate than other types of archaeological sites.

B. They often provide information about several generations of people.

C. They often contain evidence of trade.

D. Most have been found in what are now desert areas.


原文:Jim?MALE STUDENT: Um, mounds can be different things, right? Some are burial places...(问答展开新的话题)

FEMALE PROFESSOR: Exactly. And some are the remains of cities. The inhabitants would build houses and temples you know, what have you.And over time, those buildings would fall down or be torn down and then be built over. Over time, generations of building and rebuilding in the same area would result in a large hill the size of a city(老师解释了mounds的由来).Careful excavation and documentation of layers in a mound can reveal a wealth of information about the everyday life of a people in a settlement over many periods of occupation. (解释了发掘mounds的功能)



3.Why does the professor compare Gonur-depe to ancient Egypt?

A. To point out that Gonur-depe existed earlier than other ancient civilizations

B. To emphasize that the findings at Gonur-depe are evidence of an ancient civilization

C. To demonstrate that the findings at these locations have little in common

D. To suggest that the discovery of Gonur-depe will lead to more research in Egypt


原文:All these findings seem to indicate(信号词出现,结果证明在听力中是重点) that they are the remains of an ancient civilization that was every bit as advanced as other more famous civilizations of the time. Like those in Egypt。


