1) backbone/spine 脊椎
The backboneor spine 脊骨或脊柱
2)sputum 唾液、痰
3)esophagus 食道管
4)skull 颅骨 脑壳 头脑 智能
thick skull 头脑迟钝
skull and cross-bones (表示危险的)骷髅图;[古]海盗旗
The terms saturated fat has become a skull and crossbones in people's minds.
1)diabetes 糖尿病 (=diabetes mellitus)
2)hypertension 高血压 hypotension 低血压
Hypertension and diabetes can cause havoc(破坏) in other ways.
3)chronic 慢性病
4)heart disease 心脏病
5)heartburn 胃痛 胃灼热
6)stroke 中风
7)stiffneck 落枕
A stiff neck with a fever is one of the first symptoms of meningitis(脑膜炎),an inflammation(发炎、炎症) of the brain and spinal-cord(脊髓) coverings.
8)cholera 霍乱
9)wheezing 哮喘
1)hormone 荷尔蒙, 激素
Menopausal women should seek hormone replacement therapy.
2)acid 酸 酸性的 (acid base balance 酸碱平衡)
3)valve 阀门 瓣膜
4)melamine 三聚氰胺
5)cholesterol 胆固醇
The saturated (饱和)fats raise blood cholesteroland contribute to heart disease,while the unsaturated fats in vegetable oil and fish oil lower the risk of heart disease.
6) LDL: low density lipoprotein 低密度脂蛋白
HDL: high density lipoprotein 高密度脂蛋白
Most nutritionists recommend the monounsaturated(单一不饱和的) fats in olive and canola oils(玉米油) because they slightly lower LDL and slightly raise HDL.
When eaten instead of junk food high in saturated fats (like potato chips and doughnuts), nuts lower blood levels of triglyceridesand LDL (bad)cholesterol while raising HDL (good) cholesterol -- a perfect formula for preventing heart disease.