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Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate the argument and explain how the evidence would weaken or strengthen the argument.


The author concludes that Prunty County(PC)should replicate road improvement project of Butler County (BC) in order to improve highway safety. (文章结论)The conclusion is drawn based on the hypothesis that BC decreased the number of accidents last year owing to institution of road improvement five year ago. (文章论据或假设)However, the argument has scarce evidence to prove the validity of this recommendation.(你的评论)

At first, citing that the accidents have not decreased(引文), the author intends to show failure of speed limits from 55 to 45 miles per hour on all county highways.(推论) However, no decline of accidents does not inevitably mean that the severity of accidents has not decreased. (分析)For example, people had drove cars in the speed limit of 60 miles per hour, they began to slow down to the speed limit of 40 miles per hour. Consequently, once they crashed a pedestrian, the severity of pedestrian injury would possibly lessen from bone fracture to scratch. (分析的细节,也就是反例)Hence, to substantiate futility of decline in the speed limit, the author should present information concerning severity situation of accidents before and after this change. Looking over accident reportsin PC can strongly explain it. (出招解决,以及怎么解决)

In addition, many drivers are surpassing the speed limit (引文), but readers will still cast doubt on whether “many drivers” stand for most drivers and whether they have slowed down compared with before.(推论的两点分析) If they constitute a small portion of all drivers, it does not indicate failure of the speed limit because most drivers are stillobeying the regulation. Even if most drivers are driving over the speed limit, they drive from 65mph to 50 mph, which means they do not drive as fast as they used to.(两点分析的细节,也就是反例) Therefore, before PC learns from BC, PC should clarify the accurate number of drivers for speeding and their concrete driving speed after change of speed limit. These pieces of evidence can be obtained from monitor records and speeding files in PC.(出招解决,以及怎么解决)

Even if speed limit policy of PC is in vain(与上一段的逻辑承接), the author implies that because BC had implemented road improvement initiative five years ago(引文), it successfully decreased accidents this past year than five years ago(引文). (两个引文之间的关系,即:两者关系的分析) So the author employs this hypothesis to justify success of road improvement if speed limit reduction is not advisable.(对上一句的重复) However, firstly, the argument mentions fewer “reported” accidents, so it is doubtful whether reported accidents are all accidents. In fact, the accidents this past year were even more than those five years ago owing that limited funding resulted in fewer police patrolling streets,therefore,BC intentionally hid the actual number of accidents to disguise dereliction of duty. Secondly, even if it did have 25 percent fewer accidents,it did not surely represent significant drop because five years ago there might be only several accidents. As a result, 25 percent fewer might refer to one or two cases. Lastly, the most important issue is that the correlation between accident decrement and road improvement might not have causal relationship. There duction in the number of accidents might be caused by monitor installment on the roads and tougher punishment for speeding and DUI (driving under the influence). (分析的细节,也就是反例)Accordingly, to clarify whether the road improvement is efficacious to bring fewer accidents, the author should give more evidence including real number of accidents and other reasons why accidents decreased. (出招解决)

Assuming that BC has successfully reduced accidents because of road improvement(与上一段的逻辑承接), the author commits a false analogy that PC can bring the same result as BC. (推论)He or she naively assumes that two counties have the same road condition. (分析)If road lanes in PC have already been wide,highways are paved well,and police patrol at intersections can efficiently reduce the density of cars and pedestrians, this policy is not apt for PC to drop the number of accidents. Even though there are the same reasons of accidents in PC and BC, this new plan needs the support of government funds, such as hiring some workers and buying paving machines to pave highways, sending morepolice to dangerous intersections. Unfortunately, PC’s government does not have sufficient budget to make this change. (分析的细节,也就是反例)Consequently, offering more reports concerning the differences of road and financial situation between two citiesare essentially necessary to assess rationality of recommendation.  (出招解决)

Decreasing accidents and improving city’s safety are the responsibility of city government, and BC’s road improvementmight be a recommendable solution to road problems of PC. (夸文章结论)The author should demonstrate more evidenceto ensure that PC can yield the same result by road improvement. (但要加证据)

2. 关于语言:3分对语言没要求;4分表达清晰即可,语言不用太高级。但4分以上的语言一定是精炼准确的。

3. 关于反例:反例只要符合常识即可,没有唯一答案。

4. 关于开头和结尾:3-4分没时间可以不写,但要争取更高的分数最好写出来。



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