在六级的阅读上,很多同学都会有类似的困扰,就是时间太紧,做不完题。 当然这个做题的策略性是尤为重要的。今天我们就以真题为例,来分析一下题干到底该如何把控。
在六级的阅读上,很多同学都会有类似的困扰,就是时间太紧,做不完题。 当然这个做题的策略性是尤为重要的。今天我们就以真题为例,来分析一下题干到底该如何把控。
The American Workplace Is Broken. Here's How We Can Start Fixing It.
参考翻译: 美国的工作场所已经支离破碎。以下是我们如何开始修复它。
首先文章主题要不要读? 很多同学说没有时间读。这个句子是必须要读的,读的目的是什么?1 通过主题句来把控文章主题词,那么后期再用笔做标记的时候文章主题词就不用再标注了。 2 通过主题来了解这篇文章大体的态度,是好还是中立还是消极。题目开始说工作场所破碎,是不好的,但是后面想要修复,这就是好的。也就是文章大体可能是有两种态度的展现,好与不好,积极与消极。
读完主题句,我们要快速的去读文章的10个做题句,并且去尝试标记。 主要是画一下每个题目的主题词,以免遗忘关键信息。
36. Workplace norms pressure employees to overwork, deterring them from taking paid time off.
37. The overwhelming majority of employees attribute their stress mainly to low pay and an excessive workload.
38. According to Moen, flexibility gives employees better control over their work and time.
39. Flexibility resulting from the use of digital devices benefits employers instead of employees.
40. Research finds that if employees suffer from high stress, they will be less motivated, less productive and more likely to quit.
41. In-office wellness programs may help reduce stress levels, but they are hardly an ultimate solution to the problem.
42. Health problems caused by stress in the workplace result in huge public health expenses.
43. If employees respond quickly to their job assignments, the employer is likely to demand more from them.
44. With technology everywhere in our life, it has become virtually impossible for most workers to keep a balance between work and life.
45. In America today, even teenagers suffer from stress, and their problem is even more serious than grown-ups'.
36. Workplace norms pressure employees to overwork, deterring them from taking paid time off.
有的同学说这里有生词,感觉读不懂。第一是一定要加大词汇的基本功,第二是利用语法结构,后半句是分词作状语,前半句如果能理解大半也是OK的,pressure 压力这个大家都是会的。 而且大家也注意到了题干的个别词是被下划线标注的。就是快速把控题干的核心信息。帮助记忆的同时确定这句话的态度。它是不好的,所以大家可以借助符号来帮助后期的选取和识别。 可以用向下的箭头
The overwhelming majority of employees attribute their stress mainly to low pay and an excessive workload.
参考翻译: 绝大多数的员工将他们的压力主要归因于低工资和繁重的工作量。
这个态度还是消极的,并且讲到了4个核心要素 employee stress low p