









1. Do you use a wallet?


To be honest, I don’t carry wallet anymore because in my everyday life I don’t need to use cash. Instead of my wallet, I use my cellphone all the time, for example, I use my phone to pay for my meals and transportation.

2. Have you ever lost your wallet?


I did lose my wallet once when I was still in college. At that time, I was reviewing for my exam in the library and with that I was trying to keep my head above water, so I totally forgot that I put my wallet in the drawer. Later I had to get new ID cards and everything.

3. Have you ever sent a wallet to someone as a gift?


Well, I bought a wallet for my mom several years ago when I got my first pay check. I decided to get a wallet as a gift because I thought she could use it every day. I remember it was a leather wallet in brown.

4. Do most of your friends use wallet?


Not really, because like I said, my friends use their cellphones all the time to pay for things. I think digital wallet has become so popular in China that people don’t really need to carry a wallet with them anymore. But I do think a wallet of solid quality is something that can show that a person has a good taste.


1. Do Chinese people like barbecue?


For sure! I think a lot of people in China enjoy the vibe to hang out with friends and have a drink at a barbecue party. Because the food tastes really good over charcoal and it just gives you an aroma of the grilled meat and vegetables. I think really, nothing can compare with that on a summer night.

2. What kind of food do you like to eat for barbecue?


Well, a lot! For me, I prefer to have grilled meats such as hot dogs, chicken wings, and burgers. Meanwhile, I think vegetables like corn, onions, potatoes are also something that I really enjoy.

3. Would you like to have barbecue with your family or your friends?


Absolutely yes! I think a backyard BBQ party with family and friends is like a tradition in my hometown. I enjoy the whole process of preparing and waiting for the tasty food. The whole experience is what I can never resist.

4. Did you have barbecue when you were a child?


For sure, my dad used to take me to BBQ party every summer when I was still in primary school. So we normally would go to the lake house with my cousins and my dad’s friends. My dad would usually season the meat with pepper and salt and also beer is unbeatable for a backyard BBQ party.


Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

You should say:

When it was

Where it was

Why you were not allowed to use your mobile phone

And how you felt about it


I am going to talk about my experience at a yoga studio when I was not allowed to use my cellphone for 2 hours straight. So um, it was last summer when I invited my friend Echo to try hot yoga for the first time. So Echo has never been to any hot yoga studio before so I decided to invite her to try because it’s a great exercise to lose weight. We went to a studio near my home. We were only told to put our cellphones in the locker when the class finished. I had to say that I didn’t expect they had such a strict rule against cellphones. Just as we entered the room, my cellphone started ringing and everyone turned to look at me like I had committed a crime or something. So then I cut the phone and turned it to mute. Well, for me I think maybe because yoga is more like a spiritual thing so they did not want anyone to interrupt with noises. At that time, I didn’t realize that so it was so embarrassing that I felt like I had made a fool of myself.Later that day, we talked about what happened and just became more aware of the situation. Because we need to be careful that in some scenario’s cellphones are not allowed and it’s important to follow the rules. To be honest, I don’t think it’s a big to deal to not check on the phone. But I do think for some people, they might have a fear of missing out, so they just always look at their phones.


禁用手机:a strict rule against cellphones

手机响了:my cellphone started ringing

大家都回头看着我,我还以为我做了什么坏事:everyone turned to look at me like I had committed a crime or something

手机铃声噪音打断:interrupt with noises

看手机消息:check on the phone & look at their phones

怕错过(手机上的消息):have a fear of missing out

太尴尬了,社会性死亡:it was so embarrassing that I felt like I had made a fool of myself 这里的 make a fool of myself 是idiom,意思是因为自己不恰当的行为感到非常尴尬,那么就是“社死”现场的意思了哦~


Part 3

1. How do young and old people use mobile phones differently?

2. What positive and negative impact do mobile phones have on friendship?

3. Is it a waste of time to take pictures with mobile phones?

4. Do you think it is necessary to have laws on the use of mobile phones?

