很多考生以为,雅思口语考试是从考官打开录音笔的那一刻才开始。但扎心的真相却是从你进门坐下check ID的时候,考官的心里就已经开始给你打印象分了。考官在“走程序”的20-30秒问出的那几个标准问题,就决定了你的口语起评分!所以,哪怕你是白美or高帅,哪怕遇到的刚好又是一个看颜值的考官,当你说着结结巴巴的英文递上证件时,基本也就See you next time~
所以快来和小编学习如何从一进门就勇敢做一个“心机boy/girl“,在ID Check时就获得一个不错的印象分~ 标准问题一 标准问题二 标准问题三 标准问题四 没听懂提问 Could you please paraphrase that question/topic? 能请你解释下那个问题/话题吗? I'm not exactly sure what you mean XXX... 我不太确定你说的XXX是什么意思……(当你听到某个词不是很确定其意思的时候也可以用) I'm not exactly sure how to answer that question, but perhaps... 我不太确定该怎么回答这个问题,但也许……(加上一点你知道的皮毛) That's a rather difficult question, so I wonder if you could give me more information about that. 这是个挺难的问题,所以不知你是否可以告诉我一些更多的信息。 I'm sorry, but I don't know much about… 不好意思,但我不太了解…… 无法立刻应答 That's difficult to answer, but (maybe)… 这个问题很难回答,但是(也许)…… I'm sorry, but I don't know much about…but perhaps… 不好意思,但是我对于……不是很了解,但是也许…… Maybe I can answer your question by telling you about a personal experience I had. 也许我可以通过告诉你一个我自己的经历来回答你的问题。 That's an interesting question…let me see. Well, I suppose that… 这是一个很有趣的问题……让我想想,嗯,我认为…… Yes, that's a big issue. 是的,那是一个大问题。 增加简单的连接词 Well... 嗯... You know... 你知道 Actually/Frankly/Honestly/To be honest... 事实上/坦白说/老实说/老实说 I mean... 我是说 Generally... 一般而言 As a matter of fact... 事实上 On the other hand, ... 另一方面 换一种方式重述 In other words, I'm... 换一种方法来说,我... And that means… 这说明... Let me put it another way, … 让我用另一种方法来说吧... What I'm suggesting is… 我想说明的是... All I'm trying to say is... 我在试着说明的是... What I'm getting at is… 我想要讲的观点是... If I can rephrase that… 如果我可以换一种说法的话... Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying… 也许我可以通过说明...来使(我的观点)更清楚 Perhaps it would be more accurate to say... 也许这样说会更准确... The point I'm making is that… 我想要阐述的观点是... 回答完毕 I’m afraid that's about as much as I know. I think that's all. I can't think of anything else right now… Is there anything else you wish to know?
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