

















1)Do you use headphones?

2)What type of headphones do you use?

3)When would you use headphones?

4)In what conditions would you not use headphones?



1)Do you like buying shoes? How often?

2)Have you ever bought shoes online?

3)How much money do you usually spend on shoes?

4)Which do you prefer, fashionable shoes or comfortable shoes?


1. Work

1) What work do you do?

2) Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?

3) Do you like your job?

4) Is it very interesting?

5) (Possibly) Do you miss being a student?


2. Your Studies/ study efficiency

1) What subject(s) are you studying? / What is your major?

2) Why did you choose to study that subject(major)?

3) Is it very interesting?

4) Do you prefer to study in the mornings or in the afternoons?

5) Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning?

6) What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?


1.Environmental protection

1)Would you like to work in a company related to environmental protection?

2)How can we protect the environment?

3)Do you think you’ve done enough to protect the environment?

4)Is there education about environmental protection at school?



1)What kind of advertisements do you watch ?

2)Where can you see advertisement?

3)Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement?

4)Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?






Part 2 &Part 3




Describe a person who solved a problem in a smart way.

You should say:

Who this person is

What the problem was

How he/she solved it

And explain why you think he/she did it in a smart way

Part 3

1)Do you think children are born smart or they learn to become smart?

2)How do children become smart at school?

3)Why are some people well-rounded and others only good at one thing?

4)Why does modern society need talents of all kinds?



Describe a creative person whose work you admire.

You should say:

Who he/she is

How you knew him/her

What creative things he/she has done

And explain why you think he/she is creative

Part 3

1)Do you think you are a creative person?

2)Is it good for children to learn arts?

3)What kinds of jobs require people to be creative?

4)Do you think leaders need to have creative ability?





Describe your favorite singer or actor.

You should say:

Who he/she is

What his/ her personality is like

What kind of style his / her music/acting belongs to

And explain why he/she is your favorite singer/ actor

Part 3

1)What kind of music do people like at different ages?

2)What kind of music is popular in China now and what kind will be in the future?

3)Do Chinese parents require their children to learn to play musical instruments?

4)Why do some people like to listen to live music while others prefer CDs?



Describe someone who is older than you that you admire

You should say

Who this person is

How you knew this person

What kind of things you like to do together

And explain how you feel about this person

Part 3

1)What can young and old people learn from each other?

2)Has old people’s life quality improved when compared to the past?

3)Why is there a generation gap between the young and the old?

4)What do old people usually do in their daily life?





Describe a cafe you like to visit.

You should say:

Where it is

What kinds of food and drinks it serves

What you do there

And explain why you like to go there

Part 3

1)What kind of people would like to go to a cafe?

2)Why do young people like studying in a cafe instead of at home?

3)Do old people like to drink coffee?

4)Do Chinese people like to drink coffee?





Describe a tall building in your city you like or dislike.

You should say:

Where it is

What it is used for

What is looks like

And explain why you like or dislike it

Part 3

1)What are the disadvantages of living in tall buildings?

2)Do you think there will be more tall buildings in the future?

3)Why aren’t there many tall buildings in the countryside?

4)Why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowadays?



Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future

You should say:

Where it is

How you knew it

What it is famous for

And explain why you would like to live there

Part 3

1)Why do more and more people live in the city?

2)How does this affect the environment and nature?

3)What are some factors that attract people to settle down in certain places?

4)What are the differences of the young and old when choosing where to live?





Describe an exciting book that you enjoy reading.

You should say:

When you read it

What kind of book it is

What it is about

And explain why you think it is exciting

Part 3

1)Do you prefer books or movies?

2)Do you think it is very important to read the book before watching the movie version of it?

3)Do boys and girls like the same kinds of books?

4)What kinds of books do Chinese people like reading?



Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop

You should say:

Who your friend is  

What habit he/she has

When you noticed this habit

And explain why you want to develop this habit

Part 3

1)What habits should children have?

2)What should parents do to teach their children good habits?

3)What influences do children with bad habits have on their children?

4)Why do some habits change when people get older?





Describe a natural talent (Sports music, etc) you want to improve

You should say

Wheat it is

When you discovered it

How you want to improve it

And how you feel about it

Part 3

1)Do you think artists with talents should focus on their talents?

2)Is it possible for us to know whether children who are 3 or 4 years when whey grow up?

3)Why do people like to watch talent shows?

4)Do you think it is more interesting to watch famous people’s or ordinary people’s shows?



Describe a law on environmental protection.

You should say:

What it is

How you first learned about it

Who benefits from it

And explain how you feel about this law

Part 3

1)Are there laws about education in China?

2)What kinds of rules do schools in China have?

3)What can teachers do to make students obey rules?

4)What should parents do to educate children about laws?





Describe a time when you got up early

You should say:

When it was

What you did

Why you got up early  

And explain how you felt about it  

Part 3

1)Do you know anyone who likes to get up early?

2)Why do people get up early?

3)What kinds of occasions need people to arrive early?

4)Why do some people like to stay up late?



Describe a time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like

You should say:

When and where it happened

Who he/she was

Why you didn’t like this person

And explain why you were friendly to him/her on that occasion

Part 3

1)Why are people friendly with the person they don’t like?

2)What kinds of people are usually friendly?

3)What are the differences between being friendly and being polite?

4)What do you think of the people who are always straightforward?





Describe a plan in your life (that is not related to work or study).

You should say:

What it is about

Why you make it

What you need to do first

And explain how you would feel if it is successful

Part 3

1)Should parents make plans for children?

2)When should children start to make plans for themselves?

3)What things should be planned on a daily basis?

4)Are plans always necessary? Can people succeed without plans?



Describe an occasion when many people were smiling.

You should say:

When it happened

Who you were with

What happened

And explain why most people were smiling

Part 3

1)Do people smile more when they are younger or older?

2)Do you think people who like to smile are more friendly?

3)Why do most people smile in photographs?

4)Do women smile more than men? Why?












