以C7T3P1 Ants as Farmers中的有选项summary第11-13题为例,
In fact, thefarming methods of ants could be said to be more advanced than humanagribusiness, since they use 11_______methods, they do not affect the12________ and do not waste the 13________.
Or have they?The farming methods of ants are at least sustainable. They do not ruinenvironments or use enormous amounts of energy.这三道题目难度不大,信息句和题目的匹配度很高,读完原文内容相信大家都有答案了吧。
同样以C7T3P1 Ants as Farmers中的有选项summary第9题为例
They use their own natural secretions as weed-killers and also use unwanted materials as 9_______.

Farmer antssecrete antibiotics to control other fungi that might act as “weeds”, and spreadwaste to fertilize the crop. 这个题目当中出现了填空题的高频考点------“并列结构”,根据结构特点和定位词,第9题的定位可以确定在“and”之后,所以我们把重点放在use unwanted materials as 9_______和spread waste to fertilize the crop上。很明显unwanted materials和waste为同义替换,fertilize为v.,表示“给....施肥”,意思是“用垃圾去给庄稼施肥”,即“把垃圾作为肥料”,所以答案为F fertilizers (n.) , 为fertilize (v.)的派生词。以C15T2P3 Having a laugh中的有选项summary第32题为例
In one study at AustralianNational University, randomly chosen groups of participants were shown one ofthree videos, each designed to generate a different kind of 32___________.

The children then were randomly assigned to watch a video clipeliciting either humor, contentment or neutral feelings.题目问“每一种录像会形成一种什么”,原文中提到“观看录像后会产生三种情绪中的其中一种”,选项中没有出现文章原词feelings,但浏览选项后不难发现feeling的近义词emotion,因此答案为F.有选项summary的答案一般为:文章原词,派生词和近义词。但由于文章原词和派生词相对好识别,因此考的比较多的还是近义词,这也意味着大家平时积累同义替换还是很重要哦!~
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