





每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月,会有40%左右的旧题从上一季的口语题库中删除,加入新的口语话题。 下面给大家整理了一些出题概率较高的题库,大家可以作为学习参考。

Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions
You should say:
Who the person is
How you know the person
What the person does
And explain why you think his/her ideas and opinions are interesting
我想讲的是一位外国著 名导演卡梅隆,我最早看的是他的泰坦尼克,除此以外当然他是很多著 名影片的编剧导演作者。
尤其从他的科幻电影,终结者和阿凡达中,我发现他非常有创意,他一直有各种有趣与众 不同的想法,这些想法非常超前,甚至推动了电影业的技术发展。
I’m going to talk about the award-winning movie director James Cameron.
I first came to knowhim from his most famous movie Titanic.
It was really popular in China at the time. Even though Iwas quite young when I saw the movie, I was deeply moved by the story.
Cameron found major success after directing and writing a wealth of (大量的) science fiction action films and built hisreputation (建立声誉) in this genre.
He is the writer, director and producer of The Terminator,Aliens and Avatar.
I absolutely love those films because I was amazed every time by the original,peculiar and unique ideas in those films.
Terminator was created quite a few years ago. The moviepresents unique thoughts on the future and interesting ideas of a killer robot from the future.
A lotof the things that were science fiction in Terminator are now actually around us.
The story of Avatar, which I bet (我相信) you know, had been scratching at Cameron’s dream and imagination since he was a child.
He surprised audiences with his very creative idea which was set in the future,on a jungle planet Pandora and a with different race from humans.
This idea had to wait many yearsas the technology didn't even exist to make the film.
I really respect James Cameron for his interesting ideas and creativity.

Even though I will never make movies, I feel there is much to learn from his ideas and how he takes action (采取行动) with ideas right away.  
