说起part 2人物类话题,一般我们会朝着两个方向想,分别是 ordinary person 和 famous person。那是不是figure out一个能把两者结合起来的素材,就能把很多话题解决了,答案是yes。
此篇文章比较适合备考时间有限、自身经历比较不丰富的同学哦~ 可以帮助节省准备时间。如果自己有很不错的素材,可以照着自己的经历来。
说起part 2人物类话题,一般我们会朝着两个方向想,分别是 ordinary person 和 famous person。那是不是figure out一个能把两者结合起来的素材,就能把很多话题解决了,答案是yes。
咱们今天来看这么一个例题:“Describe a person who contributes to our society.
You should say:
"Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What types of work he/she does
Why you think he/she contributes to the society”
这个题的重点是a person contributes to society, 很多人会想到袁隆平、屠呦呦等。
罗海岳,慈 善组织Ofund(Overseas Chinese Students Children’s fund)的创立人。
比较特别的是,罗海岳是在LSE(top uni in the UK)创立Ofund的,而参与者都是英国海外留学生。所以对这个活动感兴趣的,并且有出国留学打算的同学们,有机会可以体验一下。
根据基本的背景,我们就可以回答 who this person is 和 what type of work he does 这两个问题了。
Sample answer:
This topic does remind me a person who does lots of good deeds. His name is Haiyue Luo, a social worker, and founder of Ofund, which is short for Overseas Chinese Students Children’s Fund. He established it in LSE, one of the top unis in the UK. Volunteers are those Chinese students who study in the UK.
然后是 how you knew him 问题的回答。
所以可以简单的说:He’s well-known in international students’ community. Some people I know have already had experiences to work in this organization.
当然,最重要的是回答后面一个问题:why you think he contributes to society
Sample answer:
top sentence:
Undoubtedly,he makes a huge contribution to our Chinese society.
Further explanation:
现状:the reality is still certain numbers of kids drop out of schools. The education and skills acquired in classes cannot be applied in reality. Plus, kids in poor areas lack comprehensive training, like music, PE, art.
措施:He and his organization take the responsibility of offering high quality teachers,money and all kinds of social resources to help out with those problems.
He’s so inspiring, and in the future, I want to become someone like him, who gives back to society.
像是 Describe a person you follow on social media 或是 Describe a person who you met once and want to know more about 等等。
关于想要见的理由,是因为你已经了解了一部分这个组织, 但想要知道的更多。anyway,只要做到自洽就行。