最近跟学生讲到一个雅思话题,内容是关于垂直城市和水平城市的。很多娃子说,“打扰了,请恕徒儿才疏学浅……压根没听说过这说法”一头雾水……确实,如果不是考雅思,永远也不太会“邂逅”这样的奇葩话题,所以大家为了成为“战斗鸭”,也一定要在这个时候好好补上知识储备。So, 为师就在此刻码码字,share一下陋见,主要围绕垂直VS水平城市的概念and各自的优缺点,这样的话,徒儿们就可以做到文思泉涌,出口成章~
Vertical Cities VS Horizontal Cities
Some people believe that it is better to live and work in vertical cities.Others, however, think that horizontal cities are better for living and working.
Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
关于Vertical city,其含义为Itis an entire human habitat contained in a massive skyscraper.顾名思义,垂直城市,其实就是我们所谓的高楼大厦。
再者,鉴于Horizontal city, 其含义为the development in this type of city is horizontal. It focuses on accommodating a small population on a large piece of land. It is characterised by low rise mostly single-storey buildings, large open spaces, lower physical density and high ground coverage.
Vertical city
Vertical cities play an indispensable role in addressing overpopulation and overcrowding. Instead of destroying forests and swamps to construct houses, shopping centres, and factories, they can be placed in a vertical tower, serving to preserve the environment.
overpopulation n. 人口过剩
overcrowding n. 过度拥挤
vertical tower 垂直高楼
preserve the environment 保护环境
Sky-high construction enhances available living and working space, which is conducive to mitigating the impact of overpopulation. In a vertical city, people would live, work, and go to school. Vertical towers also hold the key to preserving natural resources.
enhance v. 加强
Be conducive to 有助于
Mitigate v 缓解,减轻
hold the key 掌握...的关键
此外,High density development also provides more space for other purposes. For example, the government can establish more public facilities, such as pubic transport and sports centers.
What about Horizontal city ?
-Low-rise buildings are more energy-efficient
-People in low-rise buildings can escape with greater ease if there is an emergency. (e.g. fire or earthquake)
- Low-rise buildings are easier to maintain and repair than high-rise buildings.
The traditional courtyard house is a good example. People who dwell in this environment can have a strong sense of belonging as the opening design of community space enables people to communicate with their neighbor more easily, while this is relatively difficult to achieve in concrete buildings.
说实话,让我们稍微展望一下未来,如果土地资源和其它所有自然资源都非常缺乏的时候,我们都不得不跻身于高耸入云的高楼大厦里,因为这里有学校,医院,商场;但是设想一下,你每天的活动空间就是这一座楼,听着就挺害怕不是吗?Anyway, 我认为一个理想的居住场所包含许多因素,而城市规模只是其中之一,所以大家在撰写作文的时候只要按照上面分析的内容去把握大方向即可,不要在这里过度emo和展望未来哦!干巴爹~鸭子们,上岸!