Some people think that the high sales of products reflect the power of advertising instead of the consumers' demand. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Psychology of Advertisement
Now, 此处,为师只想给出几个key words 帮助大家快速理解此篇写作的重点知识点:
· The reciprocity Principle 互惠原则
· Commitment 承诺
· Consensus 共识
· Authority 权威
· Liking 喜好
· Scarcity 稀缺效应
Then, 我们依次来分析每个key word 后面的含义:
1. The reciprocity Principle
When you give someone something, you impose a burden on them to want to pay you back. For example, a business may provide some free services with the expectation that the consumer will then pay for bigger, more expensive services.
顾名思义,吃人的嘴短,拿人的手短:免费试吃或者说免费小样甚至免费玩具的背后,其实都有互惠原则的影子。毕竟,“I owe you“ 的感觉非常不爽,得赶紧还回去才好。
2. Commitment 承诺
When businesses can make a customer commit to something small, they can then easily increase their ask to include bigger things.
从小到大,从少到多。0元健身私教课,0元体验早教,0元感受美容的背后,其实都是想让你花large amounts of money去报课。
3. Consensus 共识
People are more likely to buy from businesses when there is demonstrated proof that other individuals have made purchases and put trust in the company.
4. Authority权威
People tend to pay more attention if they see that a company is an authority figure in the industry.
这就是为什么各行各业的广告里都充斥着:“网红”,“女神”,“专 家”的字眼啦~
5. Liking 喜好
It's easier to get someone to buy from a company if they first like that company.
比如说汉堡王其实也不赖,但我个人还是更prefer McDonald。先来后到很根深蒂固~
6. Scarcity 稀缺效应
When things are in short supply, people rush to get them.
“最 后1件!”此话一出,“八马难追(你肯定已经等不及去抢购了哇)”?
Frankly, good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.