01 句子结构不完整
结构不完整的句子是雅思写作中的常见错误。例如 Because air polluton is harmful to human heatth. 在正式文体中because 引导的白子,只能用作分句,不能单独使用。
正确的句子应该是 Because air pollution is harmful to human health, all men must have the awareness of protecting environment.
又如:Ten boys playing football 句子中缺少谓语动词。正确的句子应该是:Ten boys are playing football!.
02 逗号分割句子
逗号分隔句子也是写作时较为常见的一个问题。例如:The number of cars deareased from 10 to 20 units between April and May, this increased to 5 in June.
逗号前后分别有两个带有主谓结构的句子,这是逗号的一种误用。改正的方法多种,一种是将逗号改为分号,即:The number of cars decreased fom 10 to 20 units betveen April and May:this increased to 5 in June. 分号的使用是很多中国学生不太熟悉的。也可以使用连词来解决这一问题。该句可改为:The number of cars decreased from 10 to 20 units between April and May, and this increased to 5 in June.
03 缺少标点符号
例如:Iin the past she worked in foreign company 这句的正确写法应为:In the past, she worked in foreign company.
04 衔接词逻辑锚误
衔接词逻辑错误在考生的作文中是常见的。举个例子:Frank was a famous orator, and he was most famous for his discovery of e-bike. 这句的错误在于后半句应该是转折关系,,连接词却使用了 and, 应该使用 but 才准确。
05 指代模糊
请看这个例句:When Ronnie declared himself to Jack, he was aghast 这个句子的he 指代 Ronnie 还是 Jack,指名不清,正确的句子应该是 Ronnie declared himself to Jack, who was aghast.
另例:Riding a new bike, the dog chased him a mile. 根据这个句子的语法结构,意思应该是“狗骑着新车追了他一英里。”显然不合乎逻辑,应改为 When he rode a new bike, the dog chased him a mile.
06 主动语态和被动语态混用
在一个句子里,应该避免主动语态和被动语态混用,还要保持时态一致。例如:We could hear raucous sounds from the party as the house was approached.
正确的句子应该是 We could hear raucous sounds from the party as we approached the house. 7 fI: We looked forward to the party and it was greatly enjoyed. We looked forward to the party and enjoyed it very much. (V)
07 时态混用错误
由于汉语的动词没有时态,所以中国学生对时态的学握较为薄弱,有时会无意识地出现这方面的错误。例如:went into the room, closed the door, and goes to bed.
这个句子前两个动词是过去式,后一个动词用了现在时,显然是时态不统一的。正确的句子应该是 He went into the room, cosed the door, and went to bed.