The Internet contains an endless supply of knowledge and information that lets people learn about almost any topic or question they may have.
Online news gives information about any event immediately.
Carrying a laptop, mobile, tablet or digital watch is not a big task. And all these gadgets help people to access information digitally and instantly.
The downsides to using Internet are cybercrime. Cybercrimes include hacking into personal information such as passwords, bank details, and credit card numbers. With a few clicks of the mouse, hackers can take control over your identity online and ruin your finances or reputation.
One of the most concerning disadvantages of Internet is the spread of fake news. It's easy for anyone to publish information online without having to fact-check it or provide sources.
Traditional media has a level of reputableness. This is because its source is required to be verified before publishment, so traditional media is more reliable.
并非每个国家都能方便地使用互联网, 也不一定有发达的互联网技术。对于在偏远地区的读者,传统媒体就成了更好的选择。
Not every country has easy access to the Internet or advanced and accessible technologies. For people living in remote area, traditional media is a better alternative.
Once the news is published and out, if it turns out wrong or needs changing, it cannot be updated or recalled. It is one of the significant drawbacks of printed newspapers compared to news published on online platforms that can be edited or removed.
Over millions of papers are made and wasted on newspapers daily, ultimately showing the wastage of paper and tree cutting.
More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the internet. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?
【20220219】More and more people are using computers and electric devices to access information, therefore there is no need to print books, magazines and newspapers on paper. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
再来看一道稍许不同的题目:Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and obtain news, do you think the advantages of this way outweigh the disadvantages?
【20220115】细心的你会注意到,这里面多了一些限定词, 除了用网络获取新闻,还有“ to get in touch with other people”。
Carrying a laptop, mobile, tablet or digital watch is not a big task. And all these gadgets help people to access information and keep in touch with friends digitally and instantly.
最 后一道题,大家来看看:Newspapers have become an enormous influence on people’s opinions and ideas. Why is this the case? Is it a desirable or undesirable situation?
People trust newspaper news because newspaper has a level of reputableness. This is because its source is required to be verified before publishment, so traditional media is more reliable.