Nowadays, struggling with their busy life because of the speed rhythm of lifecycle, people substitute home-cooked food by junk food even their main meals. These foods are almost always high in calories while offering little in the way of nutrition.
Most people nowadays are not getting enough physical activity and the results are disastrous. They spend most of their time hooked to their smartphones, playing games, watching TV or surfing the Net. According to the World Health Organization, more than 60% of the world's population does not even engage in moderate physical activity. As a result, their health suffers.
Work-related stress can trigger and aggravate mental health problem, making it more difficult to control.
A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, including such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
Regular physical activity is one of the most important things people can do for your health. Being physically active can improve brain health, help manage weight, reduce the risk of disease, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve people's ability to do everyday activities.
People living in the 21st century generally have better quality of lives than people born in earlier centuries.To what extent do you agree or disagree?
为了更好的扣题,我们在回答时应该尽可能的强调“现代”(对应题目中的21st century),就可以写出这三个论点:现代社会节奏快,人们没有时间做饭只能点外卖或购买快餐节约时间。...现代生活人们缺乏运动。每天就是玩手机、打游戏、看电视。...现在的人们工作压力大,更容易患上各种心理疾病。
In many countries, children are becoming overweight and unhealthy. Some people think that the government should have the responsibility. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
我们可以使用「缺乏健康的原因」「 如何促进健康」的论点,别忘了调整一下语言使它扣题——为什么超重由政府负责?因为政府制定的课程大纲不合理,孩子缺乏运动。定期的体育活动是最重要的事情之一。
「健康」本身也可以作为一个思考角度,用来应对其他话题的题型,比如在我们上一篇讨论的「工作生活的平衡」中,雅思大作文 | 工作与生活的平衡话题这么写,雅思过过过!(点击直达)我们就提到了「工作生活的平衡」有利于人们的心理健康,可以减少压力,防止过度工作带来的倦怠。在讨论一个事物合理与否时,我们不妨想一想,它对人们的心理或胜利健康有帮助吗?
快节奏的生活fast-paced life
点外卖order takeaway
加班work overtime
减缓新陈代谢slow one's metabolism
降低免疫力weaken(v.) immune system
高脂肪和热量high fat and calorie
油腻食物oily food
过量摄入某物excessive intake of sth.
有害健康endanger one’s health / do harm to one’s health
身心健康physical and psychological/mental health
均衡的饮食balanced diet
素食vegetarian diet
预期寿命life expectancy
有氧运动aerobic exercise
对某物免疫be immune to sth
久坐的生活方式sedentary lifestyle