
《漫长的季节》凭实力获得全网好评 Global Times都在夸





悬疑是外套,命运是内核!Global Times 也在报道《漫长的季节》






这部生活悬疑剧,一度斩获近年国产电视剧豆瓣评分高分。《漫长的季节》优 秀得很直观,豆瓣9.4的评分已经充分说明了这部剧的高水准。





当一个优 秀的剧本恰好由一群最合适的人来演绎,那么这部剧的成功便在意料之中。


《漫长的季节》凭实力获得全网好评,同时也得到了 Global Times(环球时报)的关注。

好剧值得回味,接下来和小新一起看看 Global Times 是如何报道《漫长的季节》的吧!



The Long Season' shows glory of Chinese drama with laughters, touching moments

1. 最近有个笑话:说中国有一半的人在全国各地旅行,享受五一假期,而另一半人则盯着屏幕观看新更的《漫长的季节》。

A recent joke goes that half the population in China enjoyed their May Day holidays by traveling across the country, while the other half were glued to the screens to catch the latest episodes of Chinese drama The Long Season.

2. 作为腾讯X影院项目的首部作品,《漫长的季节》由辛爽导演,于4月22日在腾讯视频上线,在中国评分平台豆瓣上斩获了9.5/10的高分,首播即9分。

Streaming onTencent Video since April 22 as the first one of its X Theater project, the latest work by director Xin Shuang has gained a high score of 9.5/10 on Chinese rating platform Douban with an opening of 9 points.

3. 这部剧被誉为中国电视剧的指明灯,以其悬疑的故事和紧凑的情节吸引了观众,并展示了中国电视剧高水平制作的新的可能性。

Praised as a guiding light for Chinese dramas, the show has captured audiences with a suspenseful story and tight plotting as well as hinting at new possibilities for high-quality Chinese-made TV productions.

4. 虽然这部悬疑剧讲述的是一起悬案,但它并没有像过去的电视剧那样,把东北描绘成一个寒冷、令人生畏的地方。相反,它呈现的是中国东北温暖、明媚、充满活力的秋天,以及当地人的热情、积极、乐观和幽默。

While it tells the story of a murder case that remains open for nearly 20 years, the suspense drama doesn't follow in the footsteps of past dramas by portraying Northeast China as a cold and forbidding atmosphere. Instead, it presents the warm, sunny, bright and vibrant autumn in Northeast China, or Dongbei in Chinese, as well as the enthusiasm, positivity, optimism and humor of local people.

5. 这部剧受欢迎的原因在于导演成熟的手法和故事性的电影摄制。更重要的是,它满足了中国人对传递积极信息的优质作品的需求,比如这部戏的主题:“向前走,别回头。”

The reason for the show's popularity lies in the director's mature approach and storytelling cinematography. More importantly, it meets Chinese people's demand for quality productions that deliver positive messages, such as the theme of the show: "Move on, don't look back."

6. 无论我们在生活中遇到怎样的困境,用积极的态度面对它们是最 好的解决办法。在一个犯罪故事中加入这样的特征让这部剧在同类作品中脱颖而出。

No matter what kind of dilemmas we encounter in life, facing them with a positive attitude is the best way to solve them. Putting such characteristics in a crime story makes the show stand out from its peers.

7. 男主角王响(范伟饰)在帮助警方破案的过程中失去了儿子和妻子,也失去了工作。事件发生在上世纪90年代的辽宁省,正如剧中设定的那样。但他并没有放弃希望,在接下来的日子里,他带着勇气继续生活,并和他的两个朋友一起寻找真相。

The leading role Wang Xiang (Fan Wei) loses his son and wife as well as his job while helping the police solve a murder case in the 1990s, possibly in Liaoning¸one of the three provinces in Dongbei, as the setting implies. But he doesn't give up hope and has the courage to live on and search for the truth with two friends of his over the following years.

8. 辛爽导演是东北人,对东北文化非常了解。该剧以简洁、质朴、细腻的笔触,呈现了主人公在桦林市遇到的各种困难和选择,以及他们如何面对和解决这些困难和选择。

A Dongbei native, Xin the director knows Dongbei culture quite well. With simple, plain and delicate brush strokes, the drama presents the various difficulties and choices that the leading roles encounter in the city, and how they face and solve them.

9. 这种现实主义风格让观众产生同理心,能设身处地为角色思考。同时,剧中也不乏幽默、温暖的元素,让观众在感动的同时开怀大笑。这种平衡使观众对该剧很容易上瘾,是一部值得观看的佳作。

The realistic style allows the audiences to feel empathetic as they put themselves in the shoes of the characters. At the same time, there are also humorous and warm elements in the drama that make audiences laugh out loud while being moved. This balance makes the show very addictive and watchable.

10. 在5月1日最 后一集播出后,短短两个小时内,该剧在豆瓣上的评分又上升了0.2分。案件背后的神秘并不重要,真正吸引观众的是面对“生命不可承受之重”时的坚持和放手。这一破纪录的成绩显示了观众对中国导演和演员的期待。

After the last episode was aired on May 1, the score of the drama on Douban rose again by 0.2 points in just two hours. The mystery behind the case never mattered, it was the persistence and letting go when facing the "unbearable heaviness of life" that have attracted the audiences. The record-breaking score shows what audiences look for from Chinese directors and actors.

11. 中国电视剧的快速发展使中国成为世界上电视剧制作最多的国家。它还汇集了最 优 秀的人才和剧本,这些人才和剧本深深植根于中国文化和中国人民的生活,从而产生了像《漫长的季节》这样的优 秀作品。

The fast development of Chinese dramas has built China into the country with the most TV productions in the world. It has also gathered the finest talents and scripts that are deeply rooted in Chinese culture and Chinese people's life, leading to fine works like The Long Season.

12. 凭借《漫长的季节》这样的良好开局,流媒体巨头腾讯视频雄心勃勃,我们希望在这个平台上看到越来越多有前途的作品。

With a good opening like The Long Season, streaming giant Tencent Video has great ambition, as we hope to see more and more promising works from the platform.


1. be glued to:盯着、让人移不开目光

2. Stream:v. 播放、流动 n.小溪

3. a guiding light:指明灯

4. suspense drama:悬疑剧

5. follow in the footsteps of sth/sb :追随...的脚步、步...的后尘

6. forbidding:adj.冷峻的、令人生畏的7. mature approach:成熟的手法 8. plain:adj.质朴的9. delicate:adj.细腻的

10. cinematography:n.电影摄制艺术、电影制作方法

11. addictive:adj.容易上瘾的12. watchable:adj.值得一看的13. dilemmas:n.困境、两难14. encounter:v.遭遇

15. peer:n.同龄人、身份地位相同的人

16. a murder case:谋杀案17. brush strokes:笔触18. empathetic:adj.有共鸣的、同情的19. air:v.播放 n.空气20. unbearable heaviness of life:生命不可承受之重21. script:剧本22. leading to:产生、通往、导致

23. streaming giant:流媒体巨头
