





9月4日,在一年一度的开学典礼上,哈佛大学新任校长克劳迪娜·盖伊(Claudine Gay)发表演讲,宣布大一新生正式加入哈佛。 克劳迪娜-盖伊校长在哈佛大学2027届新生开学典礼上对大一新生说:"你们每个人都将成为自己,分享自己的观点,为我们的使命做出贡献,从而使哈佛变得更强、更好。"


 9月4日,在一年一度的开学典礼上,哈佛大学新任校长克劳迪娜·盖伊(Claudine Gay)发表演讲,宣布大一新生正式加入哈佛。






对于盖伊来说,这也是一次特别的典礼,这是她第 一次以哈佛大学校长的身份进行开学致辞及开学演讲。她先发表了一个2分钟的开学致辞,随后在哈佛纪念教堂晨祷仪式上又发表了一个7分钟的演讲。


克劳迪娜·盖伊是哈佛大学校史上第 一位黑人校长和第二位女性校长,更是美国藤校历史上目前唯 一的一位黑人校长。




盖伊校长的履历也是一路学霸,曾就读于全美第 一寄宿美高菲利普斯埃克塞特学院,随后进入斯坦福大学学习经济学,并获得安娜劳拉迈尔斯经济学最 佳本科论文奖,而后考入哈佛大学从事政治学研究。盖伊于2006年加入哈佛大学,担任政府学教授,并于2015-2018年担任社会科学系主任,2018-2022年担任哈佛大学文理学院院长,于2022年12月被任命为哈佛大学第三十任校长,于2023年7月1日起正式担任哈佛大学新校长。

































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“你将拥抱自己的转变,拥有博雅教育所能提供的最 好的东西。在这个世界上能做的事情如此之多,拥抱自己的转变听上去可能像是一种较为自私的追求。但这是我们唯 一的出路。”






Welcome and welcome back to Harvard!



The beginning of each academic year thrills with possibility.



What can we accomplish?What will we accomplish as individuals and as a community?How can we, how will we meet the moment?



For me, one of the most inspiring aspects of being part of our university is knowing that the gap between can and will is narrower here at Harvard.



We dare to reach, encouraged by colleagues and by classmates, emboldened by a history of extraordinary achievement.



We dare to change knowing that leadership and impact demand innovation.



Since my election as president, I've learned more about the aspirations that exist throughout our community.



Aspirations that not only fulfill our mission but also expand, enrich, and celebrate it.



At events and meetings, in chance encounters and over ice cream, I've gotten to know some of you and to understand what motivates your contributions to the university and your drive to change the world.



Though our pursuits are vast and varied, we all share something important and essential, welcome you've given me.

作为校长,我对你们的雄心、乐观、无畏和才华充满敬畏,也对你们给予我的热烈欢迎充满了无限的感激,开始我的第 一个学年。


I wish you well in the months to come and I look forward to everything we'll accomplish together.



Once again welcome and see you soon.





President Claudine Gay welcomes Class of 2027, urges them to fearlessly embrace personal transformation

BY:Liz Mineo Harvard Staff Writer


It was a day of firsts.


Harvard President Claudine Gay welcomed the Class of 2027 and exhorted them to lean into the journey that brought them to the present moment and gear up for the transformations that await them in the next four years.


“Let your joy and your pride win out,” said Gay, Ph.D. ’98, who spoke at Tercentenary Theatre on Monday afternoon in the annual Convocation ceremony, officially marking the entry of first-year students into the Harvard community. “Each of you deserves it. Each of you has earned it. Each of you belongs here.


“Each of you will make Harvard stronger and better by being who you are, by sharing your perspective, and by contributing to our mission,” she said. “I know this because I have seen it myself. Year after year, as a faculty member, I witnessed extraordinary transformations in students, profound shifts in understanding and awareness across every dimension of being.”


Yesterday was also an extra special Convocation for Gay, marking her first as president of Harvard. Gay succeeded Larry Bacow, who stepped down in June, after serving as Edgerley Family Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences from 2018. Gay, who was also Wilbur A. Cowett Professor of Government and a professor of African and African-American studies, urged the students to be prepared to overcome feelings of self-doubt that may arise at times during their undergraduate years.


She noted such insecurities are difficult to avoid, recounting an incident that took place when she was a child. At the age of 11 she began to feel painfully “insufficient” because she lacked a middle name. She feared being thus incomplete might somehow preclude her from “the possibility of reinvention.” When Gay turned to her parents for advice, they simply responded: “Your name is enough.”


“I turned those four words over in my mind, and they have stayed with me all these years, a powerful statement about my inheritance, my identity, and my capacity,” said Gay. “Sometimes, even now, even as president, when I am pushing a pen across paper and signing my name, those four words surface in my mind.”


“At some point between now and Commencement — probably at several points between now and your Commencement — you will feel insufficient. Despite knowing better, you will feel as if everyone around you knows exactly what is going on, as if everyone around you understands something you do not, sees something that you do not. When that happens, I hope you remember this story — and my parents’ wisdom.”


In closing Gay asked students to be willing to be transformed by Harvard by exploring who they are and who they want to become. “You have been given a name, and that is all that you need, but from this day forward you will make a name for yourself,” she said.


“Take notice of work and ideas that energize and fulfill you. Take notice of your joy and your satisfaction. Take nothing for granted. Be willing to reconsider assumptions for the sake of your present happiness, but also for future contentment.”


Along with Gay, other University officials took part in the ceremony to salute the newest members of the Harvard community, including Thomas Dunne, dean of students at Harvard College. Representing students were Harvard Undergraduate Association co-presidents John Cooke ’25 and Shikoh Hirabayashi ’25.


Rakesh Khurana, A.M. ’97, Ph.D.’98, Martin Bower Professor of Leadership at the Harvard Business School, professor of sociology in the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, and Danoff Dean of Harvard College, encouraged students to make the best of their Harvard education by being “open to transformation” and “commit[ting] to something beyond yourself.”


“College is not a stop on the way to the rest of your life,” he said. “This is your life. And these four years of College are where the patterns for your lives will be set. If you spend these years taking no chances, reinforcing your beliefs, deferring any reflection on who you are and what you want, you will be doing the same thing in 20 years.


“In embracing your own transformation, you will be embracing the best that a liberal arts education has to offer,” said Khurana. “To embrace your own transformation may sound like a selfish pursuit when there is so much work to be done in our world. But it is the only way forward. We can only begin to change the world if we are open to changing ourselves.”

