





针对口语考试中的话题阐述部分,传统话题和创新话题各占一半。传统话题考生较熟悉,能较自如地应对,雅思口语考试的内容变化经常变化,综合2013年的雅思口语考试来看,Part 1明显增加了题目的考察范围。更多咨询请致电:0371-55637218

针对口语考试中的话题阐述部分,传统话题和创新话题各占一半。传统话题考生较熟悉,能较自如地应对,雅思口语考试的内容变化经常变化,综合2013年的雅思口语考试来看,Part 1明显增加了题目的考察范围,从我们最熟悉的hometown, living, music, photography, drawing 到三个变题季出来的concentration、patience、boating、sleeping、trees、history and politeness。但新话题对学生的学识素养、逻辑思维提出了更高的要求。从09年到现在,话题从生活化do you like music? Do you like shopping?演化为更加具体细节性。比如what type of music do you like? What kind of clothes do you like?等。那么在2014年雅思口语也将呈现一些新的趋势:

雅思口语part 1趋势:

1. 2009年初一道日常化的题目突如其来:Could you name some famous flowers in China? And any special meanings of famous flowers? 在考生自我介绍之后,随之而出的这道题使很多考生考雅思高分的梦想瞬间破灭。那么2014年类似的话题:Please tell me some famous birds in your country. Please tell me some meanings of ships in your country. Please name some kinds of famous dances in China也将有所出现。

2. 全球化商业的影响,或是因为各大商务类考试的红火局面,口试的内容在近年来朝向商业化领域拓展,不少考题和该方面内容相关,甚至在出现过关于外企面试的一些题目。在第一和第三部分中,关于work and career方面曾经考过的几道真题,如:

Do you think salary is only thing that counts in a job?

What do you think of leaflets?

How can we increase the sales profits of a company?

Could you tell me the difference between big and small shops in their service?

How to provide a good service?

Is it important for a shopping center to have good service?


如:What kind of clothes do you like?

What type of building do you like?

Are there any traditional buildings in your hometown?

What are the differences between modern building and old building in your country? 

What kind of food do you like most?

Did you like reading books in your childhood?

Do you think cycling would be more popular in the future?


Where do you want to travel?

 Do you think cycling would be more popular in the future?

5. 老题重考,比如friend 话题

Do you like making friends?

How do you get along with your friends?

What do you think is the most important in making friends?


1. 第二部分生活化:Describe a furniture平时关注一些日常事物的名称,试着描述他们的存在,是考生在明年可望制胜的法宝。

2. 在第二部分里则大玩商务基础知识,如:

Describe a company that your relative or friend owns.

Describe how to run a business (You should say what you must do and where you run the business)

Describe a small business.

3. part 2文化题:Describe an interesting culture,一直以来就是考生头痛的问题。

Describe favorite clothing in your country一般建议考生谈谈traditional Chinese clothing, 谈中国唐装是个很好的机会,可以让考官了解中国的文化,并对考生产生很好的印象。

Describe your favorite book比如可以谈谈中国the four traditional Chinese classical novels可以在内容上出奇制胜

Describe your favorite kinds of dish等,这类题目可以描述中国名菜,考官会非常想去尝试,一旦在描述是能够让考官体会到这种菜肴的特色,调动其感官,使人体会到色、香、味的中国菜烹饪方式,那么这类题目的得分就会一路上扬了。

4. Part 2 理想憧憬题。如:

Describe your ideal house

Describe your ideal job

Describe your ideal car/bicycle

或者出题方式以Describe something you want to own in the future,如:

Describe A car/bicycle you want to own in the future

Describe the accommodation you want to own in the future包括villa, mansion,manor等,每种房屋又可有不同的造型,所以,这种题的宽容度非常大。

注意具体在描述是题目的时候,要注意顺序的把握,是from top to the bottom, from the outside to the inside,还是逐条列出,都是考官会关注的方面哦!

5. part 2经历讲故事:

Describe Something you bought but felt regretful for it  

Describe a busy time

Describe a time you helped somebody

Describe a walking you had with somebody

Describe a family event/local event

Describe an activity in your English class

Describe an outdoor activity

Describe a Wedding

Describe a positive change

6. 经典旧题:Describe an important letter,Describe a film, Describe a good friend等,它们永远是经典。很多考生遇上它们,似乎还是不那么自信。但愿考生们能在有限的复习时间抓住它们。


高科技和环境两大概念是21世纪不可逆转和忽略的题材,也是雅思口试的要点。对于转基因食品GM food、 fast food、和robot这一类尚无定论,且政府也无明确章程的东西,成为口试中引发讨论的内容。

第一提到的是GM crops (genetically modified food)的产生,是一个热点。 What effects of GM crops? Are there any GM crops in your country?

第二就是green food 或者healthy food的重要性,所以大家尽量去收集这方面的例子。

第三是关于what the relationship between human being and animals? Do you think human being should protect animals? 有一道非常特别且有难度的题目曾经出现在Do you believe the saying “to save animals is to save the human being from committing suicide”? 考生可以拓展的思路包括食物链food chain,以及人口增长和动物灭绝的关系,素食主义的优缺点等等。

第四是在和robot相关的题目里,只要涉及的是科技给人类生活,如家务等带来的影响,和对这种影响带来的忧虑。人类将会主宰科技还是成为科技的奴隶?Will be or not to be? This is a question. 将来人类会被机器人控制吗?带着这个大问号,考生并不是要成为科学家去解决这个问题,但一定要有所思考,哪怕你的回答很简单。

最后环保问题的延伸:气候在过去和现在的不同? What the difference of weather of climate in your country compared with now and 20 years ago.



姓名:张姗姗   电话:0371-55637218
3. 袁同学高二学生申请美国大学,经过2个月的暑假培训和40小时VIP 课程, 口语从3.5分提高到5分. 总分5分达到学校预科要求。
