








问题1. 每次听听力总会有一串听不懂的部分,但却会在该部分出题。


例如:(TPO27 Music History) It(fungus) breaks down dead wood. But this particular fungus nibbles away only at certain layers in the wood, leaving other layers alone.

注意第二句话,these fungus(菌类)是已经出现过的单词,我们的关注重心是nibble away(慢慢腐蚀)和 layer in the wood(树的某一层),最终剩余其他几层。在做笔记时我们需要记得是nibble、layer wood和leaving other;有了这三组词,再结合语境很快联想到:菌类腐蚀某一层木头,将剩余部分暴露出来。而细节题目:
  The professor describes an experiment in which wood was exposed to a fungus before being made into a violin. What point does the professor make about the fungus?
  A. it decomposes only certain parts of the wood
  B. it was found only in the forests of northern Italy
  C. it was recently discovered in a vintage Cremonese violin
  D. it decomposes only certain species of trees



问题2. 每次做四选二的题目都只做对一半。


第一种:出现的信号词:there are a couple of factors accounting for this phenomenon/ there are several reasons that…

当听到这种句子时,就是四选二细节题的出题点,因此在听听力时不要只听一点,要当心后面有also, plus, another, the other这些词汇。只要抓住这点,题目正确率会提高。

例如:(TPO7 Geology)
  Now, there are a couple of the factors that affect the amount of deformation that takes place or the speed of the glaciers movement for example. Deformation is more likely to occur the thicker the ices, because of the gravity of the weight of the ice. And temperature also plays part here, in that cold ice does not move as easily as ice that is close to the melting point, in fact, it is not too different from… the way oil is, thicker at lower temperatures. So, if you had a glacier in a slightly warmer region, it will flow faster than the glacier in a cooler region.
   当听到there are a couple of factors that affect…我们知道有几个因素可以影响到glacier deformation(冰川变形)第一点是与thickness 有关,支持句是:deformation is more likely to occur the thicker the ice is. 第二点是与temperature有关,支持句是:temperature also plays part here. 因此我们得到的影响冰川deformation的因素是thickness 和 temperature

题目:What factors are involved in the amount of deformation a glacier undergoes?
  Click on 2 answers
       A. The thickness of glacial ice
       B. The hardness of glacial ice
       C. The amount of water beneath the glacial ice
       D. The temperature of the glacial ice


第二种:当出现not just…, the … also…

这个结构不难想到是我们平时所熟悉的not only…but also…表示并列或递进,也就是需要两点。

问题3. 看是看得懂,或者第二遍听也能听懂,但第一遍听就是不能完全抓不住重点


  例1. What they do is spread out the weight of the foot coming down on the snow. See, the problem with walking on snow is that you sink in with every step.
  例2. And what I, another think is that the loss of the wetlands has created the situation where the local temperatures in the area are not slightly different.



注意:记笔记时,听到这类结构要用---> 表示因果关系
  例1. In other words, its coat, its fur , turns from brown in the summer to white in the winter , which makes it harder for the hare‘s predators to see it against the white snow.

第三类:it is… that…句型
  在讲座中,it is… that…表示因果关系
  例1.  And it‘s the amount of daylight that triggers the changing of the hare‘s coat.
  例2. It‘s the moving water itself that wears away at the rock and makes passageways.
  例3. it‘s safe to say that it‘s sulfuric acid and not moving water that formed Lechuguilla cave and those few other ones like it.
  解析:it is… that 句型大家都知道是强调句,但在托福听力中,考生要理解为因果关系,如例2中:就是流动水能腐蚀岩石和形成通道。那么考生应该认为moving water导致了通道的形成。





