









每年的1、5、9月份是传说中的口语话题换题季,很多考生惧怕出现的新题,担心准备时间不够。 新通外语第一时间整理出雅思1月口语机经题库,同时将1月出现的部分新题整理完毕,便于各位烤鸭备考。后面会陆续公布一月的口语新题,烤鸭们请继续关注。

Part one到目前为止出现的新题有train, language, animal, dictionary和being on time.其实language和animal属于二变一的题,之前在part two出现,1月换题中变为part one题目。Being on time为旧题回归。

Part two 目前为止出现的新题有人物类话题:An intelligent person,a comic actor;事件经历题:A positive experience in your teenager time;物品题:An old object,A popular product made in China等等。

Part One

Train (成都、杭州、北京、重庆、合肥)1月新题 高频考题

Do you like traveling by train?

Is it popular to travel by train in your country?

Did anything interesting happen when you took train?

Language(重庆、成都、北京、杭州) 1月新题 二变一

Do you think it is difficult to learn English?

Could you speak other languages except English?

Animal (墨尔本、成都、广州、杭州、北京、重庆、合肥、呼和浩特) 1月新题 二变一 高频考题

What’s your favorite wild animal?

Do you like to keep pets?

Do you often go to the zoo?

What are the benefits for children to visit the zoo?

Dictionary (重庆、成都、广州、杭州) 1月新题 高频考题

How often do you use dictionary?

Which kind of dictionary do you like better, book or electronic dictionary?

Lateness(or Being on time)(成都、广州、杭州、北京)1月新题 旧题回归

Do you think it is important to be punctual? How important is it?

Rain (成都、重庆、杭州、北京、广州)1月新题 高频话题

Do you like rainy days?

What are the influences of the rain on people’s daily life?

Which part of China rains much?

What do people usually do in rainy days?

City or countryside (成都、重庆)


Study (重庆,成都)

Work (成都,)


Major (重庆)

Bicycle (重庆、长沙、广州、北京、杭州、深圳)

Future plans (重庆)

Toys (成都、墨尔本、北京)



Party (成都、重庆、北京、呼和浩特、沈阳)

Childhood activities (成都)

Music (墨尔本、重庆、长沙、广州、北京、杭州、合肥、呼和浩特)


Computer (成都、重庆、长沙、北京)

Politeness (成都、广州、北京、杭州)


Clothes (成都、重庆、广州、北京、杭州)

History (成都、杭州、北京、呼和浩特、重庆、沈阳)

TV program (重庆、成都、北京、杭州、长沙、石家庄)

Birthday (重庆、长沙、北京、杭州、深圳、呼和浩特、合肥)

Walk (重庆、深圳、北京、合肥)


Advertisement (长沙)

Shopping (成都、杭州)

Reading (成都)

A photo (北京、杭州、合肥)

Friends (长沙、北京)

Trees and plants (北京)

Gifts (北京)

Neighborhood (成都)


What kinds of good habits do Chinese people have?

Who taught you habits?

Part two


An intelligent person (北京、重庆、杭州) 1月新题 高频话题

Part three

How should the teacher teach the students to be more intelligent?

Should university teachers have higher payment?

What are the qualities of a good teacher?

What kinds of people can be labeled as genius?

A comic actor(成都、北京、杭州) 1月新题

Part three

How can an actor become famous?

Should actors learn some skills?

A famous person (成都、杭州)

An old person (重庆、长沙)

A friend who you have not met for a long time (成都、广州、北京、合肥、呼和浩特)

A person you enjoy spending time with (北京、重庆)

A stranger who helped you (合肥,成都)


An old building (or An important building in china)(成都、杭州、北京) 旧题回归

Part three

Do people in your country visit historical building?

Is it important to protect old buildings?

A place you learn another culture (北京) 1 月新题

A restaurant that impressed you a lot(成都、重庆、呼和浩特)旧题回归

A place you want to visit in the future (重庆、广州、呼和浩特)

A beautiful garden(成都、深圳、长沙、北京、合肥)

What it is

What it looks like

When and what you did there last time

Why you think it is beautiful

Part three

Do Chinese people send flowers as gifts?

What are the benefits if people have their own garden?

What are the advantages if people plant vegetables on their own?

A place with a lot of water (长沙、广州、北京)

A place you want to go in the future (北京、广州)


A period when you are very busy (成都、北京)1月新题 待确认

When it is

What you are busy for

How do you feel during that time

Part three

How do you think of daily routine? Do you think it is a good way?

A positive experience in your teenager time (成都、墨尔本、北京、呼和浩特、合肥)1 月新题高频

Part three

How do old people influence the young generation?

Do teenagers in china feel happy?

How to make teenagers enjoy more joyful life?

Something you forgot to do (重庆、杭州、长沙) 1月新题

What kind of thing

When it happened

Why you forgot it

Part three

Why people tend to forgot to do something?

What kinds of things do people usually forget?

How to remember things well?

How to prevent forgetting things?

Do you think that high technology help us to improve our memory?

A training course you have ever attended (浙江)旧题回归

Part three

Where can people take adult education classes?

Why do people on work choose to further study?

A difficult time you have gone through 1 月新题

Something you enjoy doing with old people 1 月新题

A sport you like(重庆、成都、深圳、北京)

A useful skill somebody teach you (墨尔本)

A competition you have ever taken (重庆、杭州)

A special meal (重庆、深圳)

An event which changed your life (广州)

A time you moved to a new house or school(北京)

An interesting conversation with someone you didn’t know(北京、长沙、重庆、杭州)

A group you ever joined in (杭州)

A Future plan (杭州)

A difficult decision that takes you long time to make (杭州、合肥、北京)


A popular product made in China (food and so on)(广州、北京) 1月新题

Part three

What kinds of food do people in your country like?

Is there any difference in diet habits among different regions?

What kinds of products made in china are most popular throughout the world?

An old object (重庆、成都) 1月新题 高频考题

Part three

Do you think that old objects still are valuable?

A gift you received in your childhood (成都、北京、杭州)“礼物”话题 变种卡

A special object you ever saved money to buy(类似旧题 A thing you want to save money to buy in the future)

What it is

How you saved money

How long you have saved money

Part three

Who are better at saving money, men or women?

How could young people learn to manage money?

Something you can’t live without (成都、广州、北京、呼和浩特) 高频

A statue or a work of art you have seen(成都、广州、北京) 高频

A photo (成都)

An important letter (长沙)

A book (成都、北京)

A clothes you wear in an important occasion (长沙、北京,浙江)

A family business (北京、合肥)

A subject you did not like at the school (杭州、北京)

Something that helped you learn a foreign language (北京)


An advertisement (成都、广州、杭州、北京、重庆) 高频

A film you did not like (重庆、成都、广州)

A website you particularly like (重庆、北京、杭州、沈阳)

A TV program (重庆、长沙、深圳)高频


Your favorite season (重ww.igo99/sz/zt/ysdr/">名师精准授课 短时快速学习

姓名:Martin   电话:0755-83994189

★英籍华人,Sheffield Hallam大学毕业。擅长雅思口语、听力、SAT、GCSE、面试口语等。





