以下是托福高阶词汇list 2, 供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-8866.
以下是托福高阶词汇list 2, 供各位考生参考。
eccentric adj.古怪的
同odd, queer, strange
Mr. Wang is an eccentric old man who likes to collect tea pots.
endowment n.①天分②捐赠
同1.talent, faculty, attribute 2.donation, bestowal
Alice's beautiful painting shows her artistic endowment.
estate n.地产;财产
同domain, demesne, manor, property
The Jones' estate was very large, and it included rolling green hills and a large fish pond.
fabric n.①质地②结构
同1. textile, material 2. framework, structure
Many people believe that corruption is destroying the fabric of our society.
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. After many years of smoking cigarettes, she has become ___ to them.
2. Doctors were _____ by the new virus and struggled to find a cure.
3. Roger likes _____ music, but his father enjoys classical music.
4. Superman knew that _____ his true identity to the woman was risky.
5. My mother's sister is an _____ woman, but she is very friendly.
解答:1. Addicted 2. Baffled 3. Contemporary 4. Disclosing 5. eccentric
famine n.饥荒同hunger
There was great fear that people would die of hunger if the famine continued.
fusion n.结合 同 merger, coalescence, union
The musician's fusion of modern music and traditional Chinese music was very popular.
haggard adj.憔悴的
同 gaunt, careworn, fatigued, wan, emaciated
The soldiers looked haggard after their ten-hour march.
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