以下是托福高阶词汇list 7,供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-0272。
以下是托福高阶词汇list 7, 供各位考生参考。
abash v.使困窘;使局促不安
同 embarrass, shame
Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.
adequate adj.足够的;适当的
同 sufficient, ample, suitable, enough
Mother decided that we had adequate rice for the week, so she didn't buy any at the store.
同1.indifferent, detached 2.apart, at a distance
The principal kept himself aloof from the arguments between the teachers.
aptitude n.能力;资质
同flair, gift, knack
Dean's aptitude in math helped him to become a successful engineer.
ban n./v.禁止
同(v.) forbid, prohibit; (n.) restriction
The country banned the sale of ivory in an effort to stop the poaching of elephants.
该国禁止买卖象牙,以遏止非法猎杀大象。*poach v.偷猎
calm ①adj.平静的②v.使安静
同1.mild, gentle, serene, pacific, tranquil 2.still, pacify
Richard seemed very calm when he answered his wife, even though he was really very nervous.
chapel n.小教堂
On our tour of the castle, we saw the private chapelswheresthe king prayed.
compulsory adj.强迫的;义务的
同obligatory, required, requisite, mandatory
Elementary education is compulsory in almost every country in the world.
contemptuous adj.轻蔑的v. contempt
同scornful, sneering, disdainful
Samuel made some contemptuous remarks about how no one in the office worked hard.塞缪尔用轻蔑的语气说,办公室里没有人在认真工作。
dank adj.潮湿的 同damp, moist, wet, soggy
The basement in our house is dark and dank, so it is full of mold.
depose v.废除(王位);罢黜
同 dethrone, oust
The angry citizens wanted the king to be deposed.
discord n.意见不合
同disharmony, dispute, conflict, quarrel
We should try to talk with each other about our feelings, so there will be no discord among us.
educe v.引出
同bring out, draw forth, elicit
The teacher was unable to educe an answer from her pupils.
endorse v.赞同;背书
同approve, support, sanction, advocate
The political party endorsed Mark Smith as their candidate for governor.
esteem n.尊敬同respect, honor, reverence
I have the highest esteem for my colleague, Mark Smith.
facet n. (事物的)一面
同aspect, face, side, part
Being a well-paid business woman is only one facet of her life.高薪阶层职业妇女的身份只是她生活的一个方面。
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. I didn't have _____ time to finish the book before class.
2. If the United States _____ the import of their products, their economy will suffer.
3. All students at the university had to pass a _____ swimming test.
4. _____ between the two political parties lessened slightly after the elections.
5. The low _____ they felt for him was obvious when they ignored his every word.
解答:1. Adequate 2. Bans 3. Compulsory 4. Discord 5. esteem
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