以下是托福高阶词汇list 8,供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-0272。
以下是托福高阶词汇list8, 供各位考生参考。
fluctuate v.波动;变动
同alternate, wave
Some investors panic when stock prices fluctuate wildly.
gainsay v.否认
同deny, disagree
There was no gainsaying the astronomer‘s knowledge about the planets.
astronomer n.天文学家
hybrid n.混种;混血儿
同half-breed, mixture
Scientists have developed a hybrid of rice that is more resistant to diseases and insects.
idiom n.习语;惯用语
同expression, phrase
When studying a foreign language, idioms are often the most difficult thing to learn.
inappropriate adj.不适合的
maritime adj.海洋的
同marine, oceanic, nautical, seafaring
The city is building a maritime museum near the harbor.
merge v.合并
同combine, blend, amalgamate
The two mountain streams merged to form a single stream.
obsequious adj.逢迎的;谄媚的
同abject, servile, fawning, cringing
The manager‘s obsequious assistant annoyed the other employees in the department.
ornate adj.装饰的;华丽的
同beautiful, ornamented, elaborate
For my birthday, my father gave me a pair of ornate silver earrings.
pact n.协定;条约
同agreement, treaty, compact, contract
The two countries signed a pact to end their fighting.
perpendicular adj.垂直的
同at a right angle, steep, upright
Main Street runs perpendicular to Pine Street, and they meet at the city library.梅因街和松树街垂直交汇,路口就是市立图书馆。
plume n.羽毛
同feather, plumage
The plumes of the peacock are beautiful and brightly colored.
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. It is _____ to wear a T-shirt and jeans to a wedding ceremony.
2. The teacher‘s _____ explanation answered all our questions.
3. The cell was _____ ten times under the lens of the microscope.
4. These two banks have _____ to form the largest bank in the country.
5. The trade _____ was the most important agreement ever signed between the two countries.
解答:1. Inappropriate 2. Laconic 3. Magnified 4. Merged 5. pact
同unsuitable, improper, unfit, incongruous
This movie is very violent and is inappropriate for children to watch.
innocuous adj.无害的
同harmless, inoffensive, vapid, insipid, innocent
I don‘t understand how such an innocuous children‘s book could cause such an uproar.
uproar n.骚动
jerk n.拉扯
同twitch, pull, yank
I felt a jerk on my sleeve, then realized it was just a tree branch.
laconic adj.简洁的
同concise, compact, pithy, short, succinct
Henry‘s date was very laconic, only saying two sentences the entire evening.
lumber n.木材
同wood, timber, logs
A lot of lumber was needed to build the Smith‘s new house.
magnify v.放大
同enlarge, expand, amplify, augment
Danny used a lens to magnify the tiny insect.
丹尼利用镜片来放大那只微小的昆虫。*lens n. (pl.)镜片
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