1.What is the lecture mainly about?
A. The difference between cognition and metacognition
B. A study showing that dolphins have less cognitive capacity than monkeys
C. The effectiveness of using food as a reward in experiments with monkeys
D. Research that investigates whether animals are aware of feeling uncertainty
解析:本题选择D。根据抽象词法,A选项中的difference表示cognition 和metacognition的对比和区分,本文只讲述了metacognition;B选项中旨在讲述一项研究证明海豚比猴子的认知力弱,但本篇文章没有将两个物种进行对比;C选项的effectiveness表示效果,讲述使用食物作为猴子实验奖励的好处,只字未提。而D选项的后半段是动物能否意识到自己不确定的事情,并且用实验来验证,所以答案是D。
2. Why does the professor mention the inability of animals to report what they are thinking?
A. To emphasize that language learning is an ability unique to humans
B. To explain why researchers must be sensitive to nuances in animals’ behavior.
C. To point out a difficulty in testing for metacognition in animals
D. To show the need for advancements in the study of animal communication
解析:本题选C。本题是典型的结构题,即将题干中的例子(动物不能反馈他们的想法)定位到文章的某一处,之前教授提到检测动物的认知是很困难的,因为动物无法report their feelings.
3. In the dolphin study, how did the researcher make the dolphin’s task increasingly difficult?
A. By showing the dolphin two patterns that were similar in density
B. By playing two sounds that became progressively closer in pitch
C. By producing sounds that were just within the dolphins’ range of hearing
D. By introducing a third paddle that ended on trial beginning a new start
解析:本题选B。本题是细节题,直接通过信号词定位,出题点为The closer it came in pitch to the first one, the harder it became for the dolphin to correctly identify it as low. 结构:the形容词比较级 A, the 形容词比较级B 结构表示A 与B 直接有关系,也就是两次音高越相似,识别难度越大。本题讲的是什么使得测试变难,那就是音高相似。
4. According to the professor, what objections did some researchers raise with regard to the dolphin study?
A. The study did not distinguish between learned and higher-level responses
B. The dolphin was not rewarded consistently for pressing the third paddle
C. Only one dolphin was used in the experiment
D. The results could not be replicated in a later study
5. What can be inferred from the results of the study in which monkeys did not receive immediate feedback?
A. The researchers based the study on an incorrect hypothesis
B. Monkeys respond best to negative reinforcement
C. Monkeys become confused when they do not receive rewards
D. Monkeys probably have some degree of metacognitive ability
6. Why does the professor say this?
A. To emphasize the importance of introductory courses
B. To find out whether students have taken a psychology course
C. To imply that students should be familiar with the concept she mentioned
D. To indicate that she is going to review information from a psychology class
解析:本题选C。本题是重听题,需要认真听取局部信息为:you remember the intro psychology , right? 本句话说明教授认为学生已经学过心理学基础课。
第一:心理学讲座结构考查的重点不是实验过程和实验所用的材料,而是实验结果以及产生此结果的原因。考生在听此类讲座时,不要被过于复杂的实验过程所迷惑,而通过信号词例如result shows that/ the reason or factor that leads to this result is that来定位出题点,把更多的精力放在实验结果和结果分析中。
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