以下是托福高阶词汇list 9,供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-0272。
以下是托福高阶词汇list 9,供各位考生参考。
prickly adj.麻烦的
同complicated, troublesome, intricate, trying
She doesn't know how to deal with the prickly problem of inviting her ex-boyfriend to her wedding.
querulous adj.爱抱怨的;发牢骚的
同complaining, discontented, fretful
The child's querulous questions were driving me crazy.
radical adj.①基本的②偏激的
同1.basic, fundamental 2.extreme, rash, drastic
There was a radical difference between the two professors' theories.
relinquish v.放弃;撤退
同give up, forgo, disclaim, renounce
Nora was not willing to relinquish her high paying job for more free time.
retard v.阻碍
同delay, hold up, stunt, impede
Lack of sunlight will retard the growth of most plants.
saline adj.咸的同salty
Ocean water is so saline that you cannot drink it.
sequel n.续集同consequence, continuation
Scarlett is the immensely popular sequel to Gone with the Wind.
slogan n.标语;口号
同motto, catch-phrase
The advertising company had to come up with a good slogan for the new brand of soda.
spontaneous adj.自然的
同natural, impulsive, ingenuous, instinctive
Thesgroupsof children on the bus began a spontaneous singing of songs.
strenuous adj.费力的;奋斗的
同energetic, ardent, arduous, vigorous
Ralph was not used to strenuous exercise, and hiking up the hill exhausted him.
surmise v.臆测
同guess, presume, conjecture, suppose
We surmised by the clothes she was wearing that she was a chef.
tactic n.策略
同maneuver, strategy
Harry often cleans his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework.
tier n.层
同layer, stratum
The newly-married couple had a three-tiered wedding cake at the banquet.
*banquet n.宴会
ultimatum n.最后通牒;哀的美敦书
同demand, exaction, requirement
The kidnapper's ultimatum was two million dollars by midnight, or the man would be killed.
vagabond n.流浪汉
同wanderer, vagrant, hobo
Many vagabonds gathered at the back of this restaurant to find food.
walkout n.罢工
同protest, strike, stoppage
Factory workers staged a walkout to protest for proper working conditions.
yearn v.渴望
同desire, long for, covet, hunger
Elsa yearns for the day she can return to her native country.
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. Lack of money will definitely _____ our project's progress.
2. Thomas suddenly stood on the restaurant table and brokesintos_____ song.
3. Nora has developed many _____ to avoid runningsintosher boss in the hallways of the office.
4. The _____ found a bench in the park to sleep on for the night.
5. He was _____ to return to his home once more and see his family.
解答:1. Retard 2. Spontaneous 3. Tactics 4. Vagabond 5. yearning
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