以下是托福高阶词汇list 10,供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-0272。
以下是托福高阶词汇list 10, 供各位考生参考。
abate v.减弱
同diminish, lessen, subside, reduce, curtail
The rain did not abate the crowd's enthusiasm for the baseball game.
adhere v.粘附;附着
同stick, cling, cleave, attach, cohere
If the surface is wet, the tape will not adhere to it.
alternate v.交替;轮流
同rotate, reciprocate, interchange, take turns
Dan and Mike alternated washing the dishes every night.
aptly adv.适当地
同appropriately, properly, suitably, fittingly
The breathtaking green valley below was aptly named Beautiful Valley.
banal adj.陈腐的
同common, trite, stereotyped, stale, hackneyed, cliched
Chris' banal advice was no help to us in solving our problem.
campaign n.活动;战役
同operation, movement, battle, fight, combat
The campaign to end poverty in the country is far from over.
cluster n.聚集同clump, bunch, batch
The tree had clusters of white flowers at the end of each branch.
compute v.计算
同count, estimate, calculate, measure, reckon, figure
Darla had to compute exactly how many chairs and tables would be needed for all the dinner guests.
contention n.争论;争斗
同competition, struggle, argument, conflict
There was much contention about the proposed city subway system.
dawn n.黎明
同sunrise, daybreak
Jane awoke at dawn, while everyone else in the house was still sleeping.
deplore v.感到遗憾
同mourn, grieve, sorrow
Ms. Adams deplored the lack of money in education and made a large donation to her local school.
discreet adj.谨慎的
同prudent, cautious, judicious, careful, wary
Pauline was discreet about handing me a note in English class.
eerie adj.阴森的;可怕的
同weird, awesome, fearful, ghastly, spooky
That night we heard an eerie sound as we were playing cards.
egotistic adj.自负的
同self-centered, egocentric, narcissistic, self-important
As he began to earn more and more money, his personality became more and more egotistic.
endure v.忍耐;持久n. endurance
同bear, abide, tolerate, stand
I cannot endure the noise and dirt from the construction site next to my house.
facile adj.轻易的;灵巧的
同easy, skillful, adroit, effortless, simple
Her facile reply to the problem with the computer was to turn it off.
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. We compromised and _____ between watching the drama series Joe liked and my favorite sports show.
2. A _____ to end corruption in the government has just begun.
3. The teachers' only _____ to ending the strike was the schoolshavingssmaller class sizes.
4. After all they had _____ during the war, anything seemed possible to them.
5. The _____ movement of her hands over the keyboard showed her years of practice on the piano.
解答:1. Alternated 2. Campaign 3. Contention 4. Endured 5. facile
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