以下是托福高阶词汇list 11,供各位考生参考。托福考试备考热线:400-618-0272。
以下是托福高阶词汇list 11, 供各位考生参考。
flush v.①脸红②逐出
同1.blush, redden 2.eject, expel
When she smiled at him, his face flushed bright red.
gallant adj.勇敢的
同brave, daring, courageous
A gallant man jumpedsintosthe river to save the drowning child.
halt v.停止
同pull up, stop, pause
The soldiers at the border halted the travelers to check their passports.
idolize v.崇拜
同admire, worship, adore
Jackie idolizes her math teacher and wants to be just like her.杰姬崇拜她的数学老师,想成为和她一样的人。
incessant adj.不断的同continuous, constant, ceaseless, continual, everlasting
The incessant barking of my neighbor's dog kept me awake at night.
inordinate adj.不节制的;过度的
同excessive, immoderate, intemperate, exorbitant
Doctors have reported an inordinate number of patients with the flu this winter.
jettison v.丢弃;放弃
同cast, throw, hurl, abandon, give up
The ship's captain ordered that all extra cargo be jettisoned to prevent the ship from sinking.
lament v.哀悼同deplore, bemoan, bewail
Everyone in the neighborhood lamented the death of my Uncle Robert.
luminous adj.发光的
同bright, radiant, shining
We looked up in the night sky and saw something luminous, which we thought was a UFO.
magnitude n.强度
同extent, immensity, great size, enormity
The magnitude of the budget deficit is growing every day.
预算赤字的情形日益恶化。*deficit n.赤字
同1.credit, virtue, worth 2.deserve, be entitled to
The city government's efforts to improve traffic safety deserve merit.
navigate v.驾驶;航行
同sail, cruise, steer
We navigated the ship across the channel to return home.
oblique adj.①歪斜的②闪烁其辞的
同1.slanting, inclined, sloping, tilted 2.evasive, roundabout
James planted his flower garden with oblique rows of tulips.
ostracize v.排斥;放逐
同shun, banish, expel, exile, expatriate
After telling the teacher about their plans to cheat on the test, Billy was ostracized from the group.
palatable adj.美味的;合口味的
同delicious, savory, tasty, dainty
This cake Albert baked is quite palatable.
perpetrate v.犯(罪);作(恶)
同commit, perform, execute, inflict
The police have not been able to find out who perpetrated the crime.
plunder v.掠夺
同rob, pillage, ravage, harry, sack, loot
After the battle, the victorious soldiers plundered the villagers property.
Exercise: Fill in the blanks.
1. His _____ effort to save the drowning child led to his own death.
2. All the people _____ the death of their president.
3. Walter responded to my question with an _____ answer which only confused me more.
4. When traveling abroad, we always worry how _____ the local cuisine will be.
5. During the riot, many nearby stores were brokensintosand _____.
解答:1. Gallant 2. Lamented 3. Oblique 4. Palatable 5. plundered
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