美国十校联盟以培养人本身为目的,教学质量高,学校历史悠久,所以招生率一直很低。其中七所同时亦为著名的“八校联盟”的成员。十校联盟俗称“小常春藤”。以前这些会员学校是常青藤大学的 “附中”(fedder school),它们都有着200多年的历史,对美国教育发展影响很大。比如AP课,就是当年有哈佛、耶鲁、普林斯顿大学,以及私校十校联盟中的安多福、菲利普斯埃克塞特(Phillips Exeter, 安多福的兄弟学校)和劳伦斯维尔(Lowrenceville)创立的。
私校的十校联盟和公立学校中的磁校(Magnet Schools)相互对峙,各自成为美国私立和公立高中的精英代表。
十校联盟的成员都是世界知名的大学预科学校,卓越的求学率赢得广泛好评。以历史悠久的安多福高中(Phillips Academy Andover)为例,虽然该校的招生官说:安多福的办学目的不是上常青藤大学,我们学校有我们自己的文化。你如果是为了上长青藤大学,请不要把你的孩子送到安多福。我们的骄傲是我们用自己200对年的文化底蕴造就了无数个杰出的人才,然而事实上安多福确是世界上毕业生去哈佛第二多的高中。早在70年代前,他家的毕业生,一半去耶鲁,一半去哈佛。现在每年300个毕业生中,大约只有100名(30%)毕业生去藤校。虽然“小常青藤”已失去了过去的涵义,但是由于十校的教育理念和常青藤大学相似,所以毕业生也得到常青藤大学的青睐。
Choate Rosemary Hall(乔特罗斯玛丽霍尔高中)
创立于1890年,位于美国东北的康涅狄格州,距离纽约波士顿两小时车程。是美国最佳的中学教育的代表之一,在美国享有很高声誉。 >>在线咨询此学校申请
Choate offers global diversity, a breadth and depth of challenging and unique academic offerings, and a philosophy of guided independence. Talented, motivated students thrive in a rigorous, research-rich academic program (250 courses, honors, and AP classes in 25 areas) and a dynamic community that fosters independence and integrity. Eighty-five competitive sports teams, an outstanding arts program, and community service and extracurricular opportunities help students build character and develop leadership skills. In 2012, Choate opened the Kohler Environmental Center- the first teaching, research, and residential environmental center in U.S. Secondary education- continuing the commitment to educate future leaders. Choate offers nearly $11 million in financial aid.
Deerfield Academy(迪尔菲尔德学院)
创建于1797年,坐落在马萨诸塞州,是美国第一所男女混合学校,也是最古老的学校之一。学校以其高水准的课程而闻名,是一个充满活力的学术型中学。 >>在线咨询此学校申请
Founded in 1797, Deerfield is known for its high academic standards and cohesive school spirit. Deerfield nurtures its students’ intellectual curiosity with a rigorous curriculum, as well as encourages responsible citizenship. The 280-acre campus provides extraordinary facilities including the Boyden Library, housing a broad-based collections of more than 75,000 items, an Arts Center, and the new 80,000-square foot Koch Center for Science, Mathematics and Technology. Students, 37% supported by over $6.2 million in financial aid, are selected on the basis of academic promise, leadership potential, diversity of background, and the willingness to contribute to the school community.
The Hill School(希尔中学)
建于1851年,一直致力于追求卓越的学术成就。为学生提供杰出的教育课程,为学生将来考取美国着名大学以及将来事业的成功打下良好的基础。 >>在线咨询此学校申请
The Hill School, founded in 1851, is devoted to academic excellence, learning, and achievement. Teachers work closely with students, preparing them for the finest universities and colleges. The curriculum stresses critical thinking, analysis, and writing in the areas of the sciences, humanities, languages, and mathematics. Hill’s athletic teams regularly earn regional and national recognition. Our Center for the Arts houses a 750-seat theater, studio arts, and a diverse music program. The Hill School offers over 4.4 million dollars in need-based financial aid, assisting 40% of our student body. Hill seeks to develop the strong moral values that remain the foundation for a successful life.
The Hotchkiss School(霍奇基斯学校)
霍奇基斯创建于1891年,是耶鲁大学校长以为耶鲁输送人才为目标而指导创办的百年高中。目前,学校已发展成为寄宿制和走读制的男女同校的一流私立中学。学校坐落于康涅狄格州的Lakeville,邻近纽约州和教育之都马萨诸塞州,地理位置十分优越。 >>在线咨询此学校申请
Founded in 1891, Hotchkiss strives to develop in students a lifelong love of learning, responsible citizenship, and personal integrity. Our diverse student body comes from 39 states and 34countries and other territories. With over 212 courses, Hotchkiss offers a large-school academic experience with a small-school feeling. The average class size is 12, and facilities include: an 87,000 item library, a visual arts center, two theatres, new state-of-the-art athletic and music complexes, a golf course, and tennis courts, all on a 810-acre campus. Over 35% of students receive need based aid from a financial aid budget of over $8.4 million.
The Lawrenceville School(劳伦斯维尔高中)
建立于1810年,是一所男女同校的寄宿制中学。不仅为学生提供良好的教育,更希望把他们培养成活跃地、有思想的社会一分子。 >>在线咨询此学校申请
Lawrenceville offers its students an education that not only prepares them for college but also teaches them to be active, thoughtful members of society. Lawrenceville’s most distinguishing features are its house system and its conference-table classrooms. Both give Lawrenceville, a large school of extensive educational and extracurricular opportunities, the inflection of a much smaller, more personal school. Students are stretched and challenged by their talented peers and teachers in an environment that is both supportive and encouraging. Lawrenceville has been coeducational since 1987.
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★ 强大的顾问团队:专业性与从业资历极强,经手的本地化案例众多,可参考资料丰富,学生安心。
★ 正规的申请操作:新通有着19年的国际教育行业资质背景,留学申请严格按教育部执行,家长放心。
★ 雄厚的集团支持:新通在全球有30余家分支机构,集团性支持服务,独家案例库与各类申请攻略。
★ 难改的教师情结:高端名校与奖学金,能为学生申请哪怕只有一丝希望也全力以赴,身为老师的责任!
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- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
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