“全美20%以上的学生有过转学的经历,加州大学伯克利分校本科生院的毕业生一半左右是通过转学方式进去的。” 本科转学是美国学制中的一个优秀体现。你不仅可以从美国的一所大学转入另外一所大学,还可以从国内转到美国去学习,部分学校春秋两季都可以转学。因为美国本科教育的优秀体制在于:英雄不问出处,不管你目前处于什么位置(专科也好,社区学院也罢),她永远给你积极向上的平台。
Q1. Is it hard to transfer from a Chinese university that is not highly ranked to Columbia University? What else I need to prepare in addition to my grades? (从国内的普通大学转学到哥伦比亚大学,难吗?除了成绩还有什么需要准备的呢?)
Yes, it will be very hard to transfer to Columbia University from the Chinese university that is not very highly ranked.
Columbia is a top ranked university in the US, and they have very few spots for transfer students, let alone international transfer students.
They have very rigid restrictions for what type of international transfer students they accept. In order to apply to Columbia as an international transfer student, you need to be enrolled in a college in North America or in a US-style college abroad. Please refer to Columbia’s international transfer website for details on what defines a US style college abroad.
If you do not attend a US style college abroad, then you can only apply as a first year, non-transfer student, in your first year of study at your university. If you meet these criteria, then your application will be evaluated on the rank of your institution or how prestigious your institution abroad is. How well you’ve done in your course work, your standardized tests, your letters of recommendation and your high school transcript.
If you’ve already be gone of your second year of study at your international university abroad, then unfortunately you are no longer eligible to apply to Columbia as a transfer. They simply do not accept the students past the first year.
Q2. I heard that it is harder to transfer to a top US school located in California, such as UC Berkeley or Stanford, than to transfer to a top US school in other states. Is that true? I also heard that it will be easier to transfer to top California schools if I am sending the application as a local community college student? Last but certainly not the least, would my being an international student be a disadvantage during the transfer application process? Thanks! (我听说如果要转学到加州的名校,比如UC Berkeley或者Stanford是比别州的名校要更有难度的,是这样吗?如果我先去加州当地的社区学校,反而更容易转学到加州的名校?这跟我是一个国际生又有什么关系吗?谢谢!)
It is hard to transfer to top schools in California such as Berkeley or Stanford, because the schools are very selective. Not necessarily because of the state of California, or because the schools are located in California.
Stanford and Berkeley are both highly selective institutions so they are very hard to apply to as a freshman or as a transfer student. The university of California system is also competitive, however there are some lower ranked schools in the UC system that are not selective.
斯坦福和加州伯克利分校都是全美一等一有竞争力的学校,所以无论你是以新生的身份申请,还是以转学生的身份申请,都会很难。加州大学这个教育体系整体都非常有竞争力,不过你还是可以发现一些排名不是很高的加州大学的分校,这些学校反而会相对比较容易被录取一些。 >>在线咨询美国本科转学申请要求
It is always easier to get into a US university as either a transfer or a first year student, when you are applying from a school in the US. However, if you go to a community college in the US, you must have excellent grades and fulfill the academic requirements for transfer to that specific university.
Local community colleges in California often do have articulation agreements with schools like the university of California system, so it will make it slightly easier and the universities in California are just simply more familiar with the community colleges in California, so there will be a slight advantage there. But then again, the biggest factor comes down to how well you’ve done at the community college. You need to really have excelled in your school in order to transfer to a selective university.
加州当地的社区学院确实和当地的学校,比如加州大学系统,有明确的录取转学方面的协议。 这主要是因为加州大学系统对当地的社区学院比较了解,所以如果你是从加州当地的社区学院申请转学到加州的大学的,那么你可能在申请上会有一些小小的优势。但是这其中的关键仍然还是你的在校表现是不是出众,你必须要在你所在的社区学院表现非常突出,才有可能被加州当地的名牌学校录取。
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★ 正规的申请操作:新通有着19年的国际教育行业资质背景,严格按教育部执行,家长放心。
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- 1.适合你的申请时间和方案规划
- 2.匹配个人条件的软实力提升计划
- 3.目标院校和专业方向的选择建议